Mad Queen

Chapter 380 I've Been Hit by a Ghost in Broad Daylight

Chapter 380 I've Been Hit by a Ghost in Broad Daylight

Caiju trembled and murmured: "I don't know, my maidservant didn't know. Two days ago, the empress received a letter. After reading the letter, the letter was lit by herself. Later, the empress fell ill. At first, she coughed. Later, it began to slowly... aging, it only took two days, and it became like this!"

"Letter?? What letter?? Who wrote it?!" Eunuch Gui asked impatiently.

"do not know!"

Eunuch Gui also guessed that Caiju would not know, after all, his identity was there!
At the moment, he looked at the emperor in embarrassment: "Your Majesty, look at this..."

The emperor suddenly got up and took a step back, looked at the table with deep eyes, and finally waved his hands.

"Eunuch Gui, tell the imperial doctor to treat Concubine Li Gui, no matter how much it costs, she will be cured!"

Eunuch Gui's lips parted, and finally replied: "Yes!"

The emperor looked at the table quietly for a while, and finally turned around, leaving without the slightest hesitation.

Eunuch Gui hurriedly followed without daring to disturb him, but just followed three feet behind him.

The emperor walked faster and faster, and the anxious Eunuch Gui could only trot along the way to follow.

"Your Majesty, please slow down, don't be too hasty... According to this old slave, the imperial concubine is not sick, but possessed by evil spirits. We just need to find someone to show her, and she will definitely recover..."


The emperor stopped his steps abruptly, so frightened Gui Gongyou shut up, thinking that his talkativeness had made the emperor angry, so he quickly took a step back, bowed his head and bowed his head.

Unexpectedly, the emperor didn't say anything, but turned to another direction.

Eunuch Gui could only keep up again: "Your Majesty, you should say something...Where are you going at midnight?!"

"Prince Xuan sees you!!"

"Ah?? Yes!!"

What's the fuss about in the middle of the night? !

I guess I won't be able to sleep well tonight! !


Overnight, the topic of Concubine Li Gui's bewitching and aging, like ripples in water, instantly spread throughout the entire imperial city.

Everyone's hearts were weighed down by a boulder, extremely heavy.

It seems that in the next second, bad luck will come to his head.

Just when everyone was in panic all day long, Li Miaoer once again appeared in front of everyone coquettishly.

Imperial City Library.

Having not slept all night, Eunuch Gui leaned against the door and dozed off.

In a daze, the fragrant wind hits the face.

"Eunuch Gui..."

Eunuch Gui opened his eyes in confusion: "'s Concubine Li Gui..."

Li Guifei? !

Eunuch Gui felt as if his hair had exploded in an instant, he screamed "Oh", and he rushed backwards.

Li Miaoer smiled like a flower: "Eunuch Gui, what's wrong with you? Are you having a nightmare?!"

Eunuch Gui→_→

This is not a nightmare, but a ghost in broad daylight! !

The Li Guifei he saw last night was not like this! !

Seeing his bewildered appearance, Li Miaoer laughed even more tremblingly.

"What's wrong? Eunuch Gui, you don't know Ben Gong anymore?!"

Eunuch Gui's mouth twitched, trying to laugh, but it was uglier than crying.

"Noble... noble concubine... empress... you... why are you here..."

"Where's the emperor? I'm here to greet the emperor..."

Eunuch Gui looked at Shuyuan: "The emperor is taking a nap, you..."

Before the words were finished, Li Miaoer had already entered enchantingly.

"I'm going to wake him up!"

Eunuch Gui-_-!
don't! !
Just like you, seeing a ghost is more comfortable than seeing you!

Immediately, she took a step forward and stopped in front of Li Miaoer.

"That... Your Majesty, let this old slave call her!"

Li Miaoer smiled like a flower, and walked past: "No, I want to give the emperor a surprise!"

Eunuch Gui is really about to cry (+﹏+)
Appearing like you, the emperor is probably only shocked, not happy! !

(End of this chapter)

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