Mad Queen

Chapter 407

Chapter 407
Gu Ziwan patted Mo Leng's arm lightly, and moved the things in leisurely.

After dinner, everyone rested.

Gu Ziwan climbed into the carriage, spread out the bedding, rolled up the curtains, looked up at the starry sky, and thought about Che meeting her in the next life.

Last night, on the way back after packing up, she saw Che Laisheng's figure from a distance.

He stood with his hands behind his back, obviously waiting for her.


"Xiao Shi..." Che Laisheng turned around slowly, his eyes slightly different.

"Master... is waiting for me?"

"In the past three years, your spell recommendation has improved so fast, which surprised the master!! But, why do you keep hiding yourself?!"

With Gu Ziwan's cultivation level, if she wants to gain a place in the metaphysics school, she only needs a little magic to prove herself, and she can instantly kill many disciples.

But she didn't!
She still lives with forbearance, willing to be an ordinary disciple, not chasing fame and wealth.

"Master, I have my own reasons, please forgive me..."

"Master forgives you, but you have to forgive Master!!"

"What does Master mean by this?"

"Do you know the Xuanmen Conference?!"

"I know..." Gu Ziwan had a vague feeling in her heart: "Master wants me to participate?"

"Yes! Tomorrow, you and Elder Qiu and the others..."


"There is no reason! It's like Master never asks you anything!!"


Che's last words in his next life seemed to be saying something cryptically.

But Gu Ziwan couldn't find the source of it.

Changing her posture, she lay on her side looking at the eastern night sky, her eyes trembled suddenly, and she sat up in shock.

"Twin Stars?!"

She opened the car curtain with one hand, her eyes fixed on a star in the sky.

"Guang Xing, the main treasure was born, one child is isolated and strange, and the twins are different... Gemini twin stars... The birth of a rare treasure?!"

A star is a lone star, which means that this rare treasure is born.

Double stars correspond to Chenghui, and when they are in pairs, it represents the emergence of strange treasures.

Qibao is Fubao, which represents the peace of the world, the world is peaceful, and people live and work in peace and contentment.

Different treasures are disaster treasures.

With the birth of the strange treasure, blood and killing followed.

When a rare treasure is born, the world will be in chaos.

"Gemini and twin stars, the arrival of a rare treasure... It seems that there will be another bloody storm in the world!"

Gu Ziwan sighed deeply, and sat back in the carriage, pinching her fingers to calculate with deduction.

"The two stars are due east, and the main star is south, so the place where the treasure is born is southeast...southeast..."

Her breathing stopped abruptly, and her eyes trembled.

"Xuanmen Conference!!"

The Xuanmen Conference was held in the Xuanshan Mountains, counting from her, it was in the southeast direction.

Could it be that the place where this rare treasure will be born is at the Xuanmen Conference? !

Thoughtful, she turned over, grabbed a pile of dry food and water, left a letter, and flew out of the car.

In the letter, she lied that she was homesick and wanted to go home to visit her parents, and let Che Nian and others go first, leaving her alone.

Che's deduction skills in the next life are superior to hers. I don't know if he knew about the birth of the strange treasure a long time ago, so he called her to go to the Xuanmen meeting.

However, since it was the birth of a strange treasure, she couldn't be with Elder Qiu and the others, lest there be times when the success was not enough and the failure was more than failure!
At dawn, Gu Ziwan found a tailor shop, changed into a set of men's clothes, and another horse, and then leisurely left for the Xuanmen meeting.

The farther you go towards the Xuanmen meeting, the more people from the Xuan sect will be on the road. All kinds of surgical robes are flying around, as if they are afraid that others will not know what they have cultivated. Class markings are proudly displayed.

(End of this chapter)

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