Mad Queen

Chapter 434

Chapter 434
She sniffed the smell on the clothes in disbelief, and was sure again that it was Xuanyuan Yutian.

"It's really him? Why is he here?? It can't be..."

A bad premonition arose leisurely, and she suddenly touched the position of her chest.

It's chilly! !
"Your uncle's..."

She was actually only wearing a little panty like a bellyband!

That is to say-

If Xuanyuan Yutian wanted to change clothes for her, he would have to "see her naked"! !

"Your uncle's Xuanyuan Yutian!"

Gu Ziwan jumped up angrily, and rushed to the entrance of the cave angrily.

"You get me out..."


The earth was dark, and thunderstorms came deafeningly.

In addition, there is no sound between heaven and earth.

After scolding for a long time, Gu Ziwan finally retreated helplessly.

If she was Xuanyuan Yutian, she wouldn't be so stupid as to stay here to find embarrassment!

Gu Ziwan sniffed her body again, her eyebrows furrowed even more.

"Why is he here?"

She could remember that she was affected by the Heavenly Tribulation of the Blood Slaughtering Sword, and was struck by lightning and passed out.

What happened after this?
Why is she lying here safe and sound?
Moreover, where did Xuanyuan Yutian go? !
Seeing that the clothes were almost dry, Gu Ziwan changed into her clothes, thoughtful.

Looking at the dryness of her clothes, she must have been in a coma for a long time, so when did Xuanyuan Yutian leave?
Should he stay with her all the time, or leave on his own after saving her?

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard the sound of treading water outside.

Gu Ziwan jumped up, her eyes were slightly cold.

Listen to the sound, it is a four-legged beast, not a human being.

The sound of water stopped at the door and stepped into the cave.

A wet mountain wolf was standing in front of the campfire, carrying a waterproof girdle.


It snorted twice, dropped the bag, and retreated into the rain.

Gu Ziwan→_→

What does this mean? ?

After taking the bag and opening it, she was stunned again.

Inside the bag is a water bag and warm dry biscuits and stewed meat.

something is hot? !

With a shudder in her heart, she suddenly understood.

"Xuanyuan Yutian!!"

Must be him! !

He must be hiding somewhere. After hearing her scolding, he knew she had woken up, so he asked the mountain wolf to bring food and water.

It just so happened that her stomach was growling with hunger, so she ate them all unceremoniously.

"Shu Tan!"

After hiccupping, Gu Ziwan regained her spirits.

"Xuanyuan Yutian! Let's see where you can hide!"

With a smirk fainting from the corners of her lips, she took out the pen and ink talisman paper, drew a spell, and stuck it on the black robe with a giggle.

"Xuanyuan Yutian, I'm here..."

With a sly smirk, she threw the clothes into the bonfire, and silently recited the spell.


There was a noise outside.

In the darkness, flames danced in a far corner.

"Ha ha……"

Gu Ziwan laughed triumphantly.

Let you take the opportunity to eat her tofu! !
Dare to look at her naked body, there is a price to pay! !
Xuanyuan Yutian's heart almost collapsed——

This is the so-called burning yourself, right? !

All right, the flames on his clothes barely extinguished him.

Fei jumped out of the pond that fell into the cave, and under the torrential rain, the fire was suddenly extinguished.

Before she got up, Gu Ziwan's loud laughter came from a distance.

He shook his head helplessly and smiled wryly: " are still so childish after all!"

Looking at himself in a mess, he retreated to the cave, took off his clothes and wrung out the water.

Breath moved slightly, Xuanyuan Yutian's movements also stopped suddenly, and he slowly turned his head.

(End of this chapter)

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