Mad Queen

Chapter 442

Chapter 442
The girl in the yellow dress blushed, "My name is Zhuo Xiao! Thank you Brother Mo for your help! This is a gift my master entrusted me to Master Feng. If I lose it or break it, I really don't know what to do." Do it!"

Shuo Xiao? !
Gu Ziwan's expression instantly turned into that of a dog!
Ay Ya I gi! !
What a coincidence, isn't it? !

Zhuo Xiao is the girl Che Nian likes.

Shui Geer rubbed in front of Zhuo Xiao, "Sister, I'm sorry... I didn't bump into you on purpose, I really didn't see it!"

"It's okay! Nothing's wrong anyway, it's okay!" Zhuo Xiao's eyes were full of spring, and she glanced at Mo Xi leisurely.

Moxi was a little embarrassed, and saluted with fists in her hands: "It's good that the girl is fine, if I have something else to do, let's go ahead!"

He turned to leave.Zhuo Xiao hurriedly followed: "Let's go together!"


The two walked forward with whispers and laughs, as if they had completely forgotten the culprit.

Brother Shui heaved a sigh of relief and turned to Gu Ziwan.

"Scared me to death, I..."

At this moment, he realized that Gu Ziwan didn't pay attention to him at all, and looked at Mo Xi and Zhuo Xiao with burning eyes.

"These two..."

What's wrong with this? !

It seems that Moxi and Zhuoxiao seem to fall in love at first sight!
In the previous life, Che Nian and Zhuo Xiao met at the birthday banquet of Master Che's next life, and they fell in love at first sight.

In the end, because of Mo Xi's intervention, the relationship between the three of them changed subtly.

However, she didn't know the specific things.

Because when the three of them were entangled, she left the division, and since then she has no idea about the ending of the three of them.

Thinking of this, she was speechless.

"If I knew this earlier, I would have gonessip a little more..."

Thinking of all kinds of Gu Ziwan on the seventh, Gu Ziwan became more and more painful.

It's pathetic and pathetic to live like that for a man, to give up on himself completely.

Really answered that sentence——

poor person must have something mean.

If she had been able to control herself a little bit back then, and not be so blindly obedient, she wouldn't have ended up in such an ending!

Seeing the change in Gu Ziwan's expression, Brother Shui thought she was angry with him.

"Xiao Gu, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into that sister..."


Gu Ziwan suddenly came back to her senses, her black eyes blinking lightly.

"I bumped into it? You didn't get angry when you didn't see that sister...and you're quite happy!!"

It was because of this collision that Zhuo Xiao and Mo Xi met earlier!

Perhaps, there will be nothing to think about in the future! !

"Let's go!"

Gu Ziwan dragged Brother Shui and went straight to the main entrance of Fengxiao Villa.

Before crossing the bridge, I saw the four eye-catching official script characters on the cliff——

Howling Wind Villa.

The four characters force through mountains and rocks, flying like dragons and phoenixes, in one go.

If you don't have a certain cultivation base, you will definitely not be able to achieve such coherence.

The two rushed into the main entrance of the villa with the crowd, but were blocked by a girl in purple.

"Two, who is the guest of the mountain gate?!"

Gu Ziwan's eyes turned slightly, and she smiled like a flower: "Sister, we are the Sky Eye clan!"

"Sky Eye Clan?"

The girl in purple glanced at the booklet in her hand, and tore off a page with a smile.

"This is Mount No. [-] where the Tianyan faction stayed, and the two of you can find it by following the route!"

"Thank you sister!"

Avoiding the sight of the girl in purple, Brother Shui looked curiously at the yellow silk album in Gu Ziwan's hand.

"What is this? We seem to be able to move..."

On the yellow silk album, there was a small black dot, wriggling as they walked.

"This is a guide!"

(End of this chapter)

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