Mad Queen

Chapter 452 Don't Kill Me

Chapter 452 Don't Kill Me

Gently pulling her fingertips, Gu Ziwan withdrew the dust technique.


The two people who lost control fell out one by one, lying on the ground and twitching.

With their cultivation base, to deal with the beating just now, at least the level of concussion.

"Cough cough..."

Duan Xunhuan coughed and spat out a mouthful of blood.

With hazy eyes, Gu Ziwan's figure dangled in front of him.

"Tell me, should I kill you directly, or throw you under the cliff..."

"Don't...don't kill me..."

Duan Xunhuan struggled to dodge backwards.

"My father will come tomorrow...if he doesn't see me...he will investigate to the end!"

"But if I beat you like this, your father will kill me immediately if he sees it!"


Duan Xunhuan shook his head in horror.

"I'm not going to say you did it..."

"Really?! You have become a pig's head, how to explain?!"

"I... I said that I fell off the cliff... I fell..."

Gu Ziwan raised her lips evilly, held out a dagger in her backhand, and ruthlessly pressed against Xunhuan's cheek.

"Why don't I smear your face, and then kill you, so that even if your father finds you, he won't recognize you..."

"Don't! Don't kill me!"

Duan Xunhuan whimpered and wailed, trembling all over.

"I really won't betray you... If you don't believe me, just... just put a curse on me! If I dare to break my promise, let me cut my tongue and throat, and die a violent death..."

The mantra is a mantra with words as symbols.

The caster of the curse can easily burst the tongue and throat of the cursed person with just one word.
Even if the two are separated by hundreds of thousands of miles.

In order to save his life, Duan Xunhuan did his best!

As long as you can live, it's okay to be cursed or something!


Gu Ziwan scratched his face lightly with the dagger, whispering, as if thinking about something.

"Little brother, I promise, I will never betray you... Otherwise, I really don't want to live..." Duan Xunhuan tried to squeeze out a cute smile with blood on his face.

Gu Ziwan raised her eyebrows, and retracted the dagger thoughtfully.

"Okay! I'll trust you just once!"

Blood popped out from the fingertips, and a talisman was drawn in the void. Before Duan Xunhuan could see what was happening, he was instantly penetrated into the body.


Duan Xunhuan spat out a mouthful of blood, and his throat instantly felt much relieved.

In the same way, Gu Ziwan also cast the mantra on the bodyguard, and then slowly got up.

"Duan Xunhuan! I only give you this one chance! If..."

Duan Xunhuan hurriedly waved his hand: "There is no if, there will be no if, I promise not to let the if happen..."

"You're smart!"

Gu Ziwan put away the dagger with an evil smile, and walked away leisurely.

Duan Xunhuan was right!
If he died, Duan Changdao would definitely look for him all over the world, and when the time came to investigate to the end, he would definitely lead her out.

But after being cast under the proverb spell, before the spell was lifted, Duan Xunhuan was absolutely afraid to bite her,

And when he finds an expert to unlock the spell, she is estimated to be thousands of miles away, and it is impossible to find her.

It wasn't until Gu Ziwan's back disappeared that Duan Xunhuan heaved a sigh of relief and lay down on his back.

"Where the hell is this god of killing?!"

The guard cried out in pain and lay down beside him: "Master, let's really just leave it like this?!"

"What a fart! When my father comes, undo the spell of the proverb and see how I deal with her..."

Duan Xunhuan instinctively looked in Gu Ziwan's direction, and suddenly his whole body trembled.


(End of this chapter)

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