Mad Queen

Chapter 478 My Life Is Quite Expensive

Chapter 478 My Life Is Quite Expensive

"Speak well? Why didn't you and my son speak well?!"

Duan Changdao suddenly let out a roar, which made Gu Ziwan's little face change in fright.

"Patriarch Duan, there are some things here... You can't listen to one side and only believe one-sided words, right..."

"Haha... You mean, I wronged you?! My son's death has nothing to do with you?!"

Gu Ziwan shrugged her shoulders noncommittally, looking very flat.

"Okay! This time, I'll make you understand!"

Duan Changdao suddenly opened his right hand and swung it violently.

"Come on, bring it up?!"

Amid the sound of footsteps, a person wrapped in white cloth was lifted up.

Gu Ziwan's eyes widened involuntarily - this person's eyes looked familiar.

It's just that the face is tightly wrapped, like a mummy, so I can't see clearly.

"Boy, you didn't expect that, did you? Among the people you killed, there was one who survived!"

Duan Changdao suppressed his anger and raised his head coldly.

"In the past two days, I searched under the cliff for a long time before I found him—— Hoduo!! He was the witness when you committed the murder!!"

Gu Ziwan→_→

Your uncle! !
This kid's life is really tough!

Falling off such a cliff, he didn't even die.

Turning slightly sideways, Duan Changdao pinched A Duo's cheek and turned to Gu Ziwan.

"You mean, isn't it her?!"

A Duo's eyes were swollen into a slit, his jaw moved slightly, and he nodded.


Duan Changdao stood up with a sneer, and waved for someone to lift A Duo down, then slowly turned his head to look at Gu Ziwan, as if looking at a dead person.

"This time, what else do you have to say?!"


Gu Ziwan really had nothing to say.

She backed away with a sneer, her eyes looking around, as if looking for an escape route.

"Patriarch Duan... don't blame me for this matter!! It was your son who troubled me first!!"

Is she sitting at home, ready to kill when a f*cking disaster is imminent? !

"That night...if I hadn't been lucky enough to fight back and stop your son...the one who died...would be me..."

"That's because you deserve to die!!" Duan Changdao suddenly roared hysterically, and waved his hands violently: "Anyone my son thinks deserves to die, they should die!! You should die too!!"

"Then... Patriarch Duan, you are being unreasonable..."

Gu Ziwan backed away step by step, the corners of her mouth twitched in a accompanying smile.

"Your son is a life... so is my life... right?! My life is also very expensive. There is no reason why he can kill me. I can't kill him, right..."

Duan Changdao -_-#
You fucking killed someone's son, and you still have the nerve to ask him, "Isn't it?!"

Do people answer you yes, or answer you no? !

"Boy! I don't care how eloquent you are!! Today, I will definitely kill you! Use your life to pay homage to my son!!"

"Don't you want it? My life... is very hard, it's not so easy to take! Maybe you're going to bleed too..."


Duan Changdao sneered and tilted his head, signaling the guards around him to go up and grab someone.

"Then let's see how hard your life is!"

The person closest to Gu Ziwan suddenly shot and grabbed her shoulder.

Unexpectedly, when she was short, avoiding the guard's hand, Sa Yazi turned around and fled.


I don't know if she was nervous and panicked, or she was out of her mind and didn't see the situation in front of her clearly.

Gu Ziwan did not run towards the crowded Fengxiao Villa, but ran into the depths of the woods.

(End of this chapter)

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