Mad Queen

Chapter 480

Chapter 480
Zhai Gang's pupils shrank, and he looked at Gu Ziwan warily.

Her smile is so weird.

"What did you say?"

With her lips parted slightly, Gu Ziwan smiled evilly and nodded over one by one.

"I mean, to save time, you can go together! Seven—together!!"

The pupils of the guard holding the sword shrank suddenly, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Zhai Gang. Under the signal of his jaw, the sword sharpened, and without warning, it pointed at Gu Ziwan's ankle.

"So cruel?!"

Gu Ziwan lowered her eyes evilly, and kicked out with her toes, her fighting spirit exploded.


The sword edge seemed to be hitting a rock, and it flew past.

Before he could stand still, Gu Ziwan kicked him in the back.


With a scream, he flew out, staggered forward, the sword edge couldn't avoid it, and stabbed the rock, "Crack!", the sword edge broke.

"not good!"

The guard's face changed in shock, and he instinctively turned to avoid the sword.



The broken sword was unbiased, stabbing into his body unabated.


The guard's body froze instantly, hanging on the broken sword like a salted fish, and slowly knelt down.

The crowd was stunned.

Things developed so fast that no one expected it.

They watched their little friend hang up helplessly, but there was nothing they could do!

Gu Ziwan glanced sideways, her gaze was as sharp as a blade: "I told you to do it together!!"

Her provocation and arrogance are completely different from the embarrassing escape just now.

Zhai Gang realized something was wrong: " lured us here on purpose?!"

"you guess……"

Di Gang clenched his fists suddenly: "Brothers, let's go together and kill her!"


Others still hesitated.

The order given by the long knife is not to kill in one fell swoop.

"What are you still doing? Kill her!"

Under the roar of Zhai Gang, he shot angrily.

Duan Changdao's original intention was to play tricks on Gu Ziwan, make her life worse than death, and then kill her!

But at present, the cat is still playing with the mouse, but its identity has changed.

They are mice, and she is a cat! !


Carrying battle energy with the long sword, it swept out.

Gu Ziwan took a step back on her toes, and suddenly grabbed the broken sword on No. 1 guard's body with her right hand.


The broken sword broke out with blood, and she grasped it in the void, killing Zhai Gang.


The long sword pierced the blade of the sword, and the fighting spirit swept towards Gu Ziwan.


Dou Qi was in front of her, as if it had encountered an enchantment, and split to the sides in an instant, sweeping from both sides of Gu Ziwan's body to the rear.


The sound of countless broken branches came.

Behind Gu Ziwan, two paths seemed to be cleared, and the branches of the tree were cut off.

Slightly tilting her head, Gu Ziwan's eyes shined through the side of Duan Ren, evil and wild.

"The opportunity, I have already given you!"


The vindictiveness of a low-level Dou Shuai burst out from her body.

Although Zhai Gang had already made full preparations, but with his fighting spirit of a high-ranking general, he still failed in the end!
The sudden onslaught of vindictiveness, like countless steel needles, shot out from his body, and he screamed in pain, and flew out.


The person was in mid-air, but he had already spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Zhai Gang!"

"Brother Zhai!"


Several guards screamed and stepped forward and quickly picked him up.

Zhai Gang used his strength to turn over and fell, half kneeling on the ground in a state of embarrassment.



The guard was shocked!
The person hasn't been caught yet, so how to get there?
Even if you leave, you won't be able to do business when you go back! !

(End of this chapter)

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