Mad Queen

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Gu Ziwan was slightly shocked in her heart, but she still rolled her eyes in disdain: "Cut, what kind of treasure can he have?!"

"What kind of treasures can there be?" Moji got up mysteriously, with a proud face: "Second Miss, you are a child, it is better not to know too much, those treasures of the old master, if you tell them, you can scare me." Fuck you!!"

Gu Ziwan curled her lips and threw the brush: "I don't care to know!!"

She was just about to go out when Guo Jintian came galloping from a distance.

"Second Miss, Second Miss..."

Listening to the sound, it seems that something happened.

Gu Ziwan felt an ominous feeling in her heart, and hurried to greet her: "Grandpa Guo, what's wrong?"

"General Gu... something happened to General Gu..."

"What??" Mo Ji jumped up screaming, and ran over first: "What happened? What happened to General Gu?!"

Gu Ziwan was calm and calm, "Grandpa Guo, let's go in and talk!"

"Yes, yes, go in and talk!!"

Guo Jintian couldn't wait to drag Gu Ziwan into the hut, and dispersed all the onlookers before doing it out of breath.

"I could have come in the morning, but on the way here, I heard that a guard at the city gate killed Lieutenant General Huo's only son. I don't know why, but I had a bad feeling at the time! Those in North Prison Guards, I know, there is no bloody one!! When they see Lieutenant General Huo's dog, they will be humbled, how dare they beat his son to death."

"Why did my father kill that son?!" Gu Ziwan interrupted him.

"That's right, well done, how could General Gu beat someone to death?" Moji also asked eagerly.

No matter how beautiful Gu Niancheng used to be, now he is also guilty.

Beating someone to death in prison is tantamount to adding to the crime.

Not to mention, in such a barren place, killing a prisoner by a lieutenant general is like crushing an ant.

"I was in a hurry at the time, so I asked someone around, and finally I was sure...General Gu was bullied by Lieutenant General Huo's son, and he insisted on using him as a stepping stone, stepping on his horse...and he even threatened to feel it. The feeling of stepping on the Beijing official..."

The corner of Moji's mouth twitched suddenly: "This... is too much!!"

Guo Jintian hesitated to speak, and finally sighed: "The more extreme is yet to come... He also said that he heard that Mrs. Gu is the most beautiful woman in the capital, and when he returns, he will invite someone to invite Mrs. Gu to the Huo Mansion as the seventeenth lady... ...You said that General Gu had an accident because of Mrs. Gu, and now he said that in front of everyone, how could General Gu let it go?! He killed her with three punches, and he didn't even wait for others to come up to persuade him to fight!!"

Gu Ziwan sat calmly with her arms folded, her eyes were solemn and dignified like never before.

"Where is my dad now?"

"Abducted by Lieutenant General Huo's men... I guess it's almost as if he's not dead now!!"

Lieutenant Huo is in the pain of losing his son, and Gu Niancheng must be in his hands.

"Second Miss, why don't we discuss it with Mrs. Gu?!" Moji muttered.

"No, my mother is pregnant, if I know about it, it must be a disaster!!"

Gu Ziwan's eyes were as cold as a knife, and the corner of her lips curled into a wicked sneer.

"I'll handle this matter, Grandpa Guo, help me find the address of Deputy General Huo's home, Mo Ji, help me go to Quan's restaurant to find a man named Quan Yuan, and tell me that I want talisman papers, the more the better! !"

(End of this chapter)

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