Mad Queen

Chapter 53 Wake Up, Keep Playing

Chapter 53 Wake Up, Keep Playing

"Ah??" The owner of the beast workshop changed his face greatly: "If so many beasts are released, people will die!!"

"What I want is someone to die!!"


North Prison, Back City.

The former urban area of ​​the North Prison is full of prosperous shops, while the back urban area is a residential area for merchants and nobles.

The autumn wind was rustling, and the fallen leaves whizzed and swirled along with the wind, brushing against Gu Ziwan's cheeks.

She walked through the street expressionlessly, and behind her were more than 300 roaring and violent beasts.

They were originally fighting beasts with a bloodthirsty ferocity in their bones. Now that Gu Ziwan's beast talisman has provoked their brutal and bloody nature, they are even more ferocious. Give the rhythm torn.

"Whose family is this child?!"

"I haven't seen it!"

"What's going on here??"

"I don't know, it doesn't look like a good thing!"

"So many beasts... where did they come from?"

"Who knows!!"


Pedestrians on the road avoided the herd of beasts, but couldn't hold back their curiosity, some boldly followed behind from a distance, wanting to see clearly.


Huo Mansion, backyard, firewood room!

Gu Niancheng's hands were tied and hung up, his whole body was ripped apart, and the bones were visible from the wound.

Blood dripped from his body, forming a puddle of blood on the ground.


The barbed whip lashed at him, leaving another wound with deep bone visible.

He lowered his head, turning with the lash of the whip, as if he didn't feel anything, he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

At the door of the firewood room, Huo Ting sat with downcast eyes, stroking the spirit seat of his son in his arms.

"Son, you walk slowly on Huangquan Road, Dad will let the person who killed you accompany you on the road!!"

The servant who whipped Gu Niancheng tried his breath, "Master Lieutenant General, he passed out again!!"

"Wake up, keep fighting!"


A basin of cold water was poured on Gu Niancheng's body, which made him wake up with a muffled hum.


The whip was on him again.


The extreme pain made him grunt and grit his teeth, but he didn't roar out.

A man would rather die standing up than live on his knees.

If you want to die, you should die frankly, instead of being killed crying and begging for mercy! !


Huo Ting's pupils couldn't help shrinking as the furious scolding sound came from the front yard.

"Lu Chi??!"

Lu Chi came galloping, fully in military uniform.

"Huo Ting, I just went out for a day, and you actually used the death penalty?!"

Huo Ting stood up abruptly, smashing the chair under him with one palm.

"Lu Chi, you fucking shut up!! We are both lieutenants with equal positions, what right do you have to tell me what to do?!"

Lu Chi saw the spiritual tablet in his arms at first glance, he couldn't help but pause, and then said in a deep voice.

"Huo Ting, I've heard about Young Master Huo... I'm sorry, I feel sorry too!! But General Hao has an order to take Gu Niancheng away from here alive!!"

"Fart!! Lu Chi, stop bluffing me!! The old general and the major general are still hunting outside, and they won't come back until the Chinese New Year. How could he let you take Gu Niancheng away?!"

"The old general has his own eyes and ears, he knows everything in the city clearly!!"

Lu Chi took out a letter from his pocket and ordered someone to present it to Huo Ting.

"This is the old general's autographed letter, he wants Gu Niancheng to live!!"

Huo Ting dubiously opened the letter paper, and before he finished reading it, he tore up the letter with a growl.

"I don't care!! Gu Niancheng killed my son, I will kill him and bury him with my son!!"

(End of this chapter)

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