Mad Queen

Chapter 629

Chapter 629

Gu Ziwan's eyelashes trembled slightly, and her eyes glanced at Mrs. Ji without a trace, and the latter quickly withdrew her gaze in a guilty conscience.

"Mrs. Ji... So, your eldest son controls all the business transactions?!"

"Yes... I'm in charge of cheating, the third and fourth are in charge of guarding, the second and the boss are running outside...but the boss is talking about business alone, and the second is helping to pass on information..."

Gu Ziwan winked at Jian Shisan, who understood and turned to ask Ji Lao Er.

Slightly squatting down, Gu Ziwan bowed in front of Mrs. Ji: "Mrs. Ji, how much do you know about this snake sect?!"

"I...I don't know..."

Before Mrs. Ji could finish her sentence, something seemed to strangle her throat.


She struggled to grab her throat, but found that she couldn't catch anything.

But the feeling of suffocation was overwhelming.

"Grandma Ji, I heard the conversation between you and Cheng Yan!! She said that the reason why you can live until now and have a place to settle down is because her master provided you with a place to live and gave you a place to live. I have given you a generous reward..."

Mrs. Ji's face was already bruised, her eyes were protruding, and her whole body was twitching, but she just couldn't struggle.

"What? It's painful?! Pain is right!!"

Gu Ziwan slowly stood upright, holding her right hand empty, and slowly tightening it.

"Because for a useless person, my purpose has always been to cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, so as to avoid future troubles!!"

It was only then that Mrs. Ji realized that Gu Ziwan was responsible for everything, and panic appeared in her eyes.

She looked at her pleadingly, her mouth opened wide, wanting to say something.

It's just that Gu Ziwan's eyes were indifferent, looking at her as if looking at a dead person.

"What? You still have something to say?!"

"...Uh uh..." Mrs. Ji blinked her eyes as much as possible, sobbing in her throat.

"I'm sorry, Miss Ben has played enough with you... Do you really think that Miss Ben is patient enough to play games with you in this mass grave?!"


"The reason why I brought you here is because after you die, you can be buried on the spot!! It's better to bring a few living people here than to carry a few dead people?!"


"Don't worry, my lady has a kind heart and a bodhisattva heart. I will dig a grave for you mother and child and bury them together...and!"

Gu Ziwan raised her left hand out of the air, and a golden light flashed out.

"This lady will disperse your souls, let your souls fly away, and save you from the pain of reincarnation forever!! Otherwise, with your sins, you will go down to the underworld, and you will be swallowed alive by those vain and resentful souls!! Instead of suffering like this , the soul is damaged, it is better for this lady to fulfill you and beat you to ashes..."


Mrs. Ji panicked completely, and spit out a word with all her strength.


insanity? ?

Gu Ziwan's heart moved!

Could it be that she is talking about the Southern Border Gu Clan? !

However, the force still has to continue——

"What? You said I was poisoned? Yes, I admit, I am poisoned, what's wrong?!"

Mrs. Ji: "..."

The conscience of heaven and earth, God will testify, when will she say that she is poisoned.


She gritted her teeth again.

Gu Ziwan was not happy: "This miss has already said that this miss is poisonous and cruel. You don't need to remind me of this again and again!"

Mrs. Ji→_→

She's articulate enough already!
How can it be led astray? !
"... Gu... Clan..."

(End of this chapter)

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