Mad Queen

Chapter 655 Commitment

Chapter 655 Commitment (2)

There was pain in his eyes, and he sighed sadly.

"Every time I face them, say and do things against my will, do you know how painful it is for me?! Because of those words, I should say it to you... only to you, but... I said it to you Listen to those women...Yangyang, do you know how painful I was when I said those words?!"

The jealousy in Yang Yang's eyes gradually disappeared, and looking at his painful eyes, his heart felt like a knife was cut in an instant.


"Yangyang, we have known each other for so long, don't you know me? You should know that from the beginning to the end, the person I love is you...but...but your senior sister can give me more help, in order to sit still For this seat, I can only marry her and leave you... Yangyang, I'm really sorry..."

"Ning, stop talking..."

"No, you let me finish talking..." Xuanyuan Ning said with a look of lovelessness: "After finishing speaking, I can feel less guilty in my heart so that I can feel more comfortable... Yang Yang, you don't understand what is called Same bed, different dreams, the days when I slept with your senior sister were the darkest days in my life! But I didn’t dare to express my displeasure, I could only force myself to smile... because your senior sister is so powerful, so powerful that we really love each other, but we only Can secretly fall in love..."

Tears welled up in Yangyang's eyes, and they rolled down in an uproar: "Ning, I don't care if it's on the ground or underground, as long as I can be with you..."

"But this is what I owe you... I should give you the title, the title of an upright mistress!! But..."

"I don't want fame, I just want you... as long as I can be with you!!"

Yangyang wept and hugged Xuanyuanning, his chest was wet with tears.

"Ning, you have me in your heart, that's enough..."

Xuanyuan Ning's eyes flickered with gloom, his gaze flickered, and he immediately hugged her tightly into his arms.

"Yangyang, I, Xuanyuan Ning, swear to the heavens, the day when I ascend the throne of God, the day when you respect the mother of the country and smile at the world..."

"Well, I believe you... Ning, don't worry, I will pay attention to our relationship, and I won't let the senior sister find out!! Moreover, I will do my best to help the senior sister and help you change your fate against the sky..."


Xuanyuan Ning choked up a sob affectionately, and hugged Yangyang's arm even harder.

"How can I, Xuanyuan Ning, be able to get a confidante like you?! Yangyang, you are the only one who knows me...with you by my side to accompany me and support me, I, Xuanyuan Ning, have no regrets in this life! Even if I die tomorrow, I have no regrets..."

"Ning, I'm not allowed to just say that..."

The answer to Yang Yang was Xuanyuan Ning's passionate deep kiss.

With a groan, her whole body instantly softened and completely melted into Xuanyuan Ning's embrace.


By the shore of the lake.

Jiang Hongzhu looked at the drowned Xiang Xiangxiang and the others, dumbfounded and astonished.

"Xiangxiang, what's wrong with you guys? How did you become like this?!"

"Hongzhu, Gu Ziwan is too deceitful. We had a good chat. She didn't know what happened. She suddenly went crazy and kicked us all into the water, almost drowning..."

Xiang Xiangxiang was sobbing and crying, and the other girls were also crying in an instant.

A good flower viewing feast, instantly crying into pieces.

"I want to see the Queen Mother, I will let the Queen Mother decide for me..." Xiang Xiangxiang got up sobbing.

(End of this chapter)

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