Mad Queen

Chapter 671 Counterattack

Chapter 671 Counterattack (3)

Wang Liang gave Zhang Shan a hard look——

It's really not a big deal to watch the excitement! !

How much courage does he have to go in and search? !
A few days ago, didn't Prince Ning's Mansion and the Yamen of the Beijing Mansion enter Gu's Mansion openly with the imperial decree in hand? !
But what happened? !

A power and identity like Prince Ning's Mansion has been defeated miserably. As a small governor, how can he have the courage to provoke Gu's Mansion? !
This Zhang Shan even instigated him in front of everyone, making him unable to step down directly.

"Zhang Shan, didn't you say that you saw Gu Ziwan go in with your own eyes? The task of going in and searching for people will be left to you Qingfu!!"

Wang Liang was also unambiguous, and directly presented the imperial decree.


Where did Zhang Shan dare to answer it, and backed away with a sneer: "Master are joking...this is the imperial decree entrusted to you by the emperor, even if I have ten guts, I don't care about taking it randomly..."

"It doesn't matter, my lord allows you to go!! And I will specially designate you as a pioneer... Please..."

Zhang Shan→_→

Yarn please! !
If he wanted to do it, he would do it in Qingfu, why would he wait until now? !
Gu Ziwan's troubles in Gu's mansion, it's better to kill himself, at least he will die happily! !
Seeing the two pushing each other, Ai Jiu said with a cold face: "You two, don't be humble, let's go together... Anyway, our Gufu is so big, I don't care about going to you two more!!"

Both Zhang Shan and Wang Liang have black faces! !

Such a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, go to hell!

"You two, can you invite Ms. Gu to come out to receive the order?!" Wang Liang no longer had the arrogance just now, and his address was much more respectful.

If Gu Ziwan didn't come out, he didn't pay for the imperial decree, and he didn't have the guts to break in. If he didn't lower his posture, he wouldn't be able to go back and return to his life! !

Yan Du smiled but didn't smile: "Lord Wang, I've already told you that Miss is not here, but what about you..."

His eyes flicked to Zhang Shan: "But you just want to listen to the villain's slander, insisting that our lady is at home!!"

Zhang Shan→_→

He didn't see it alone! !

Is it the good cut that a group of them have seen? !
"You two, I would like to ask a always say that Miss Gu is not at the house, so she..."

Ai Jiu rolled his eyes: "Our lady went out with Jian Shisan early in the morning, first had breakfast, and then went to Dongfanghong to check the accounts, as for now... If the accounts are checked, she probably stayed in the theater to watch the show..."

Yan Duqing coughed, and suddenly showed a smile: "Well, Mr. Wang, if it's convenient for you, you can go to Dongfanghong with us to see if the lady is there, and when the lady goes out in the morning, she will walk Yes, I didn’t use a car, and during the account reconciliation, I would go door-to-door to ask the tenants about the situation, so I guess there will be many witnesses... You have so many people under your command, you can ask people to ask them at will, look at our lady Are you in the Gu residence or not..."


Wang Liang was still hesitating, but Yan Du had already waved his hand.

"Let me tell you guys, take the people from the Governor's Mansion to look around, and let them tell the truth about Miss's whereabouts..."

"That's unnecessary?!" Wang Liang chuckled quickly: "Of course I believe it..."

"No, Mr. Wang, we still need to silence everyone, so the procedures that should be followed and the witnesses that should be there are still needed..."

Yan Du had a serious face, as if he was doing business.

"By the way, Mr. Wang, what are you looking for with our lady?!"

(End of this chapter)

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