Mad Queen

Chapter 677 Counterattack

Chapter 677 Counterattack (9)


This is interesting! !
These two people can be said to be the future old father-in-law of the prince.

The two of them discussed this topic with inexplicable joy! !

Jiang Chang was also sent to the army, his face was a little ugly, but under the eyes of everyone, he had to go back.

"General Gu, as fathers, we have to trust our daughter, but as subjects, we still have to trust evidence, facts, and the emperor!!"

Gu Ziwan - damn old fox!
In a word, it is watertight!
He didn't offend Xiang Zhengming or his father, and he completely removed the topic from himself.

Gu Niancheng insisted on continuing the discussion, but the emperor coughed.

"Gu Niancheng, you said you believed in Gu Ziwan, what happened to Qingfu's testimony?!"

"I don't know, but I believe that the murderer is definitely not my daughter!" Gu Niancheng stuck his neck and threw the testimony to Wang Liang.

"Master Wang, you are the one who investigated the matter, so tell me!"

Wang Liang turned his face forward: "Your Majesty, I also feel that the matter is very strange. Ms. Gu will never appear in two places at the same time, which of the testimonies lied..."

"No!!" Gu Ziwan quietly raised her voice: "The testimony is true, and the testimony of both parties is true!"

"Wan'er..." Gu Niancheng looked with deep eyes: "What are you talking about?! Didn't you say that you didn't kill Qingcier?!"

"I didn't kill Qingcier, but someone put the blame on me... I think, the emperor and all the adults should have already guessed the connection!!"

Eunuch Gui suddenly let out an "oh", and then felt that he was presumptuous, so he shut his mouth and took two steps back, bowing and standing.


you what? ?

The key is that after you "oh", you should say something! !
Why did you stand back without saying a word?

The emperor raised eyebrows and squinted: "Eunuch Gui, what do you mean?"

Eunuch Gui hurriedly stepped forward: "Back to the emperor, the old slave heard the second young lady's words and suddenly thought of a legend in the Jianghu, so he shouted impolitely and asked the emperor to forgive me!"

"What did you think of?"

"...The old slave once heard from the guards in the palace that there is a technique called disguise in Jianghu, which can perfectly present one person's appearance on another person's face, making them look like twins. The same, true and false are hard to tell!"

"Human skin mask!!" Gu Niancheng gasped, and suddenly looked at Gu Ziwan: "So, someone put on a human skin mask, pretended to be Wan'er, and then went to kill Qingcier. That's why she appears in two places at the same time!"

Xiang Zhengming stared fiercely: "How can it be proved that the one who appeared wearing a human skin mask is the one who killed Qingcier?! She can also pretend to be Gu Ziwan and appear in Dongfanghong Theater..."

Gu Ziwan raised her lips evilly: "Prime Minister Xiang, you hate me so much, you wish for me to die... Your Sima Zhao's heart is really obvious, right?!"

Xiang Zhengming didn't know who Sima Zhao was, but he probably wasn't a good person, his face changed slightly.

"Gu Ziwan, it's not that I'm suspicious, but I think this matter itself can be established!! Unless you have evidence to prove your innocence, and prove that the person who appeared in Qingfu was not you..."

"It still needs proof, it's obvious..."

 Girls, I am very busy today, I will make up for the two shifts I owed tomorrow~~~(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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