Mad Queen

Chapter 680 Framing

Chapter 680 Framing (2)

Gu Ziwan ridiculed her sideways eyes, and looked at Bian Junxin burningly: "General Bian, I remember the ladies in your mansion, all of them are beautiful and enchanting...It's not easy, with your face Even a blind person can tell a beautiful woman to marry home..."

Bian Junxin was in the camp of Xiang Zhengming and Jiang Chang, so it was understandable to come out to flatter his master.

But to make trouble for Gu Ziwan at this juncture is to ask for embarrassment.

With Gu Ziwan's vicious tongue and black belly and vengeance, how could he be spared? !
"Gu Ziwan, you!! You are talking nonsense..." Bian Jun was sweating, and quickly aimed in the direction of the emperor.

Although the emperor has nothing to do with officials taking concubines, but being a womanizer will always give the emperor a bad impression.

Gu Niancheng glanced at Gu Ziwan, feeling suspicious——

This girl has been away from the capital for many years, how could she know about Bian Junxin's concubine? !

How many days has she been back?

There's no reason to inquire about these trivial matters, right? !
"Nonsense?!" Gu Ziwan raised her lips evilly: "Is it nonsense? Let's ask Eunuch Gui to check and find out?!"

How dare you call her nonsense? !
You can guess with your tail, which concubine in the family of these adults is beautiful and beautiful, at the age of twenty-eight.

As a man's inferiority, none of them can be as guarded as old man, a couple for life! !
"Okay, okay, I just said a few words, and then I started arguing again..."

Eunuch Gui frowned and stepped forward, glaring at the two of them unhappily.

"Although your majesty has a gentle temper, you can pass as much as you can, and you don't like to argue with you, but you can't push yourself too hard, it's too presumptuous!! What kind of place is this? It's the Donghua Palace, where the emperor handles political affairs!! You are here Presumptuous, but you still put the emperor in your eyes?!"

Bian Junxin's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly knelt down: "Your Majesty, I deserve death for my crimes!! I shouldn't argue here, disturbing the emperor's meditation!"


The emperor was neither in a hurry nor slow, and remained the same lukewarm for thousands of years.

"Gu Ziwan, it's up to you to tell me what's going on!"


Gu Ziwan stood upright and took one of the testimonies.

"Your Majesty, in the testimony brought by Mr. Wang, there is such a passage... Zhang Shan of the Qing Mansion said that he followed me into the Gu Mansion, but almost at the same time, my servants Yan Du and Ai Jiu walked out , it can be said that the murderer and the two of them should have had a face-to-face meeting, but they said that they never saw me coming back..."

Xiang Zhengming sneered: "Of course I can't see it, because you are in the same group..."

The emperor looked indifferently, and he could only shut up resentfully.

"Prime Minister Xiang is right. One of the big reasons is that we are in the same group! All of this is a game I set up, so they can't see me anymore, but the emperor..."

Gu Ziwan raised her head proudly, her eyes were wild.

"There is another possibility—the murderer disguised himself as me and entered the Gu mansion, but avoided them and didn't let them see it! Once the two of them meet, Yan Du and Ai Jiu will definitely ask—because their It's time to go to Dongfanghong to look for me, if I go home, there's no need for them to go again—so, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the murderer avoided the two of them!"

Eunuch Gui was a little confused, so: "This...what can this explain?!"

(End of this chapter)

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