Mad Queen

Chapter 695

Chapter 695
He aimed at Cai Tong, threw the branch in his hand with a "snap", and stood there with an innocent face.

"You mean, blame me?!"

Gu Ziwan wanted to laugh a little, but she was still tense, not discouraged.

This younger brother is very similar to her temperament.

When he is gentle, he is like a well-behaved kitten, but once the bottom line is touched, he will turn into a tiger, waiting for the opportunity to move.

Her eyes flicked to Cai Tong, "What did he scold me for?!"

Gu Zheng didn't want to say: "It's hard to hear anyway! I don't like to hear it..."

Mrs. Zhen immediately leaned forward: "It's inevitable for children to quarrel with each other. How can they beat people like this just because of a joke?!"

"A joke?!" Gu Zheng quit, and his small face instantly raised up: "If I said a joke and I hit him, I would have killed him long ago!!"


Mrs. Zhen was so angry that she almost didn't come up in one breath.

This sentence is a proper Gu family demeanor! !

The members of the Gu family are all so awesome! ?
"Sister..." Gu Zheng stood on tiptoe and whispered something in Gu Ziwan's ear.

Madam Zhen couldn't help looking sideways curiously, but suddenly saw Gu Ziwan's eyes filled with murderous intent, and her heart skipped a beat.

Before she could look away, Gu Ziwan's gaze was fixed on her.

"Mrs. Zhen, how old is your brother?!"

" years old...what's wrong?" Mrs. Zhen stumbled back.

"How can a seven-year-old boy, who is still a boy, know about me stealing other men's men?!"

Madam Zhen's complexion suddenly changed, and her breathing stopped.


"If it wasn't for someone in your family who was always nagging in front of the child, how could there be such an idea in the child's consciousness?!"

With sharp eyes, Gu Ziwan's evil spirit came out of her body, and she pressed down coldly.

"Mrs. Zhen? Can you give me an explanation?!"

"I... How would I know?!" Mrs. Zhen shook her head in horror, "I've never said these things at home... It must be that the child didn't learn well, messed around outside, and heard it randomly..."

"Really?!" Gu Ziwan smiled sideways, and her eyes fell on Cai Tong faintly: "Mrs. Zhen, do you think I need to ask him again?!"

"As for the child, it's better for Ms. Gu not to take it's a child after all..."

Mrs. Zhen immediately winked and winked at Cai Tong.

"Cai Tong, tell me quickly, where did you hear those nonsense?!"

Gu Ziwan pretended not to see her winking, but Gu Zheng was relentless.

"Mrs. Zhen, what's wrong with your face? Are you cramping? Are you angry?!"

Madam Zhen quickly recovered her face, and glanced at Gu Ziwan with twitching corners of her mouth: "'s nothing..."

How could Cai Tong understand what Mrs. Zhen meant? !

He was a lawless, arrogant and petite emperor, and he was domineering and arrogant at home.

At this time, if there was no Shenlong there to frighten him, he would have cursed a long time ago.

Now when Mrs. Zhen asked her, she immediately replied in a heartless manner: "Sister, what are you talking about? Didn't you say those words? You said it, Gu Ziwan only steals other people's men..."

"Shut up!!" Mrs. Zhen roared hysterically.

If this person seeks death, even a god can't save him! !

Cai Tong was wronged: "Sister, you are cruel to are unreasonable, you are the one who said it...I want to tell my parents that you bullied me..."

(End of this chapter)

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