Mad Queen

Chapter 703 Want to drive, but dare not, what should I do?

Chapter 703 Want to drive, but dare not, what should I do?
"But... but there are Jiang Zaifu and the others behind Jiang Hongzhu..." Mrs. Zhen muttered.

"Gu Niancheng is behind Gu Ziwan! You...why don't you understand?!"

Zhen Hua scratched his hair anxiously, feeling like he was playing the piano against a cow!
Gu Niancheng's power is rising, and it is under the emperor's order!
The complete eruption of the Gu family is only a matter of time!

What's more, the Gu family still has Gu Ziwan, a murderer! !

No one knows how wide her network is, how powerful the power behind her is, and how deep the water is!
A girl in her teens can occupy half a street of property in the capital. With such courage, the future is absolutely limitless!

So it is very stupid to be an enemy of the Gu family now! !

Especially when Jiang Chang, Xiang Zhengming and others did not regard themselves as their own, offending the Gu family was tantamount to seeking their own death.

But seeing Mrs. Zhen's frightened and slightly bewildered expression, Zhen Hua completely slammed her head against the table.

have to! !

He co-authored and talked all night, it was for nothing! !


Looking at the crescent moon in the sky, Jiang Hongzhu once again pinched a wild flower with leaves and petals in his hand, picking it off one by one.

"Come, don't come, come, don't come..."

At her feet, petals and leaves fell all over the ground.

She had been working for a long time since sending out the message, but Xuanyuan Ning didn't even come.

While thinking wildly about whether something will happen to Xuanyuan Ning, she was wondering whether he would come or not.

"Not coming..." Jiang Hongzhu's eyes were full of disappointment as the last leaf fell.

"Not coming……"

She muttered, glanced at her feet inexplicably, wondering if she was in a state of trance, and said something wrong.

"Not coming……"

Jiang Hongzhu murmured again, picked another wild flower, and continued the action just now.

In the dark behind her, Yang Yang stood evilly, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips, and his eyes slowly squinted at Xuanyuan Ning beside him.

"I can't tell, she has deep roots in love for you... After such an afternoon, she hasn't left and has been waiting for you!"

Xuanyuan Ning sneered disdainfully: "She is being self-indulgent, and I am using waste..."

He silently grabbed Yang Yang, hugged her roughly in his arms, kissed her deeply, and kissed all her words back into his mouth.


Yang Yang was soft in his arms, his hands hooked his neck involuntarily, and completely melted into his arms.

Xuanyuan Ning's hands wandered over her body recklessly, causing Yang Yang's bones to crumble, wishing to be in his embrace forever, never to be separated.

After a long time, she reluctantly let go of Xuanyuan Ning's lips, cupped his cheeks with both hands, and stared at him affectionately.

"Ning, as long as you have me in your heart, everything is enough... Go, she is waiting for you! Don't make her wait too long..."

"No hurry!! She has been waiting for so long, she won't leave willingly..." Xuanyuan Ning knew Jiang Hongzhu like the back of his hand.

"Really?! How do you know?!"

"She has been waiting for a long time, but she still hasn't waited for me. If she leaves here and I show up again, won't she be able to see her again?! So, no matter what, she won't leave until she sees me ..."

Xuanyuan Ning's lips kissed Yang Yang again, and the scorching lips fell on her neck.

"Hmm..." The most irresistible thing Yang Yang could do was Xuanyuan Ning's kiss.

(End of this chapter)

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