Mad Queen

Chapter 710

Chapter 710 Sleeping Together
"There is no pillow or quilt, how can I sleep?!"

Gu Ziwan just made a complaint casually, but Xuanyuan Yutian opened his arms.

"The ancients used the sky as the quilt and the ground as the bed, and I also have it here, one for pillows and one for quilts..."

Gu Ziwan—Heaven, can you show some face? !

On her bed, grab her pillow and quilt, and even extend a pillow and quilt! !
Really served!

Seeing that she couldn't fight or win, Gu Ziwan sat down at the table angrily.

"Okay, go to sleep, I'll watch you sleep..."

She originally thought that she would sit in hers, he would sleep in his, and send this monster away in peace, who knew——

"What? You're not coming?" Xuanyuan Yutian suddenly got up from his side, his eyes were charming, his lips were slightly raised, a smile that was not a smile.

"Don't come!! You can sleep well by yourself..."

"It's boring to sleep about you come together..."

Gu Ziwan: "..."

Are you pushing yourself a little too far? !

"Xuanyuan Yutian, don't go too far..."

"Is it too much?! I'm kind!!" Xuanyuan Yutian pouted innocently: "You look at the long night, you sit there, how can I bear it..."

"I can't bear you to go home..."

"But we want to cultivate a relationship... How about this, let's invite General Gu and Mrs. Gu out and let them comment... As far as I know, they are recognized as a loving couple in the court. What kind of relationship is the best..."

Gu Ziwan→_→

Kneel down! !
Really kneel! !
Xuanyuan Yutian is absolutely unique if he wants to sleep with a woman and still say so grandly.

Xuanyuan Yutian talked more and more vigorously, and really got up to find Gu Niancheng.

Gu Ziwan hurriedly dodged to stop him.

"Xuanyuan Yutian, have you had enough? In the middle of the night, are you still letting people sleep?"

Xuanyuan Yutian suddenly stepped aside, patted half of the bed lightly, with a flat face: "Let you sleep..."

Gu Ziwan: "..."

Speechless again! !
"Little thing, you're so scared, isn't it because you're afraid of what I'll do to you?! We've slept a few times too, when did I behave badly to you?!"


That's right! !

This evildoer has been fairly well-behaved all along, and he hasn't made any moves.

What's more, if he wants to do something evil, with his cultivation base, he can overlord her in no time! !
"Okay!! Let me see what you are going to do!!"

Gu Ziwan gritted her silver teeth lightly, turned over and jumped up, but folded her arms with her arms in the utmost vigilance, and stared at her with wide eyes.

Xuanyuan Yutian, on the contrary, seemed to have fulfilled a wish, and closed his eyes leisurely, as if he didn't feel her hostility at all.

The night was long, and under the silence, sleepiness struck Gu Ziwan's eyes involuntarily.

After standing strong for several times, she finally fell asleep tiredly when the sky was getting dark.

After an unknown amount of time, Feng Ming's scream suddenly woke her up.

At the same time she sat up, Xuanyuan Yutian also sat up quietly.


The teacup in Feng Ming's hand shattered, and he knelt down in panic.

"Too... Prince..."

Almost at the same time, Jian Shisan and Yan Du flew in one after another.

"what happened?"

"What happened?!"

Before Gu Ziwan could react, Xuanyuan Yutian had already wrapped her body tightly with a quilt.

"You Gu's mansion is so unruly, you can enter without knocking on the door to hear the announcement?!"

(End of this chapter)

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