Mad Queen

Chapter 722

Chapter 722
Gu Gu is Gu Ziwan.

In the tent of Fengxiao Mountain Villa, she took out some chickens and seasonings, and made beggar chickens.

Old man Yang and the others didn't care about who Gu Ziwan was. What they were more curious about was the beggar chicken?
Gu Ziwan was also very patient, explaining how the Beggar Chicken was done and why, everyone was dumbfounded.

"This thing...was invented by a beggar?!"

"That's right... It's just that at the beginning, it wasn't so delicious. Later, I improved it a bit, and the taste is much better..."

Gu Ziwan extinguished the bonfire, picked out a beggar chicken with a strong aroma, and distributed it to everyone.

Under the hunger, the taste of beggar chicken is even more attractive.

In the blink of an eye, everyone is not polite, you fight over me, and even swallow the chicken bones.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I still have more..."

Gu Ziwan pulled out two more in a row, distributed them to everyone, and watched them swallow them with a smile.

After eating and drinking enough, old man Yang thought of the origin of the chicken.

"I said bro, where did you get these chickens?! Ours has been broken for days!!"


"Stole it?"

"Yes, it was stolen over there..."

Gu Ziwan didn't hide anything, and pointed directly at the camp of Fengxiao Villa.

Everyone's satisfied smiles froze instantly.

that direction? !

Oops! !
"You... what did you say?!"

Old man Yang seemed to have eaten a fly, and felt a little nauseous for a moment, subconsciously wanting to spit out what he ate.

Ke dared to vomit, but Gu Ziwan pointed at his back, suppressing his nausea.

"I finally ate it, it's a pity to spit it out..."

Old man Yang didn't even have the desire to savor delicious food, he stood there with a ghostly look on his face: "What you gave our chicken!?"

"This is so fresh. If you don't eat your chicken, whose chicken will you eat?! It can't be me who recited it?!"

Gu Ziwan rolled her eyes, pulled out another chicken leg, slowly tore off a chicken leg, glanced at the crowd, and was polite.

"Everyone, who else wants to eat?!"


Eat a wool! !
How can they have the appetite to eat again? !
"Old man Yang, what should we do? We only have six chickens left..."

"Yeah... this... I have eaten four of these, what shall we give the master tomorrow?"

Before she finished talking, Gu Ziwan raised her hand suddenly, staring at her with a wicked smile.

"Wrong! Everyone, you used to have six chickens, but now... there are no more..."

Everyone—no more? !
Old man Yang's face changed completely: " mean, you ate our six chickens...all?!"

"Nonsense, why did I eat it?! Obviously you ate it yourself!"

Gu Ziwan was serious, raising the chicken leg in her hand.

"I just ate this chicken leg, and the rest are all for you to eat..."


Isn't this nonsense? !
If you don't do it, will they eat it? !

Then again, if you say it's the chicken from their Fengxiao Mountain Villa, they won't dare to eat it.

"Old man Yang, what should we do now?!" Someone looked at old man Yang as if asking for help.

They are all accompanying fire-headed troops. If they can't get something to eat, everyone will be unlucky tomorrow.

"How do I know what to do?!"

Old man Yang stood up angrily.

He is not a god, he can resurrect a dead and roasted chicken, what can he do? !

With a sweep of his gaze, he saw the leisurely Gu Ziwan, and instantly woke up.

"What are you still doing? Catch her!!"

(End of this chapter)

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