Mad Queen

Chapter 73 Bidding

Chapter 73 Bidding
Gu Niancheng smiled and shook the number plate: "Entrusted by others!! Just for fun!"

Guo Jintian and Mo Ji looked at each other unconsciously, and they both had a question in their hearts - the entrusted person could also be Gu Ziwan, right? !

If it's really her, how much money does she have? ! !

The auction of the mineral lode is an auction for public bidding. As long as they have money, anyone can participate in the auction, regardless of their identity.


After the dull drumbeat, everyone's spirits were also shaken.

here we go! !
Hao Sheng got up, brushed his clothes, and walked to the auction stage.

"Everyone, although most of the people who came to participate in the auction today are old acquaintances, some of them are participating for the first time. Therefore, regarding the rules, this general still has to reiterate!!"

His gaze swept over the crowd, and he gently raised the gavel.

"There is only one rule in the auction, that is, you have enough money!! Here, money is the result that determines success or failure, and any favor or power is irrelevant..."


The gavel fell gently, but it seemed to hit everyone's heart.

"Everyone, next is the No. [-] vein that we are going to auction. You all have maps in your hands. Friends who want to bid, please think about it..."

After a moment of silence, Hao Sheng dropped the hammer lightly.

"The No. [-] vein, the starting price is [-] gold coins, and one hundred gold coins will be added every time!!"

"No. [-] card!" Someone shouted holding up the number plate.

"No. 17 card!"

"Plate 53!"

"Plate 21!"


The number plate is called down with a sound, and the price increases step by step.

The No. [-] vein was finally sold for [-] gold coins.

Speaking of it, the No. [-] vein is just an ordinary small vein, and it can be regarded as a test water auction for today's auction.

Its price basically determines the transaction price of other veins.

Moji silently calculated in his heart, and his face changed slightly: "This year's price has increased a lot compared to last year... If this continues, won't the NO.18 vein be sold at a sky-high price?!"

The NO.18 vein is the largest vein in Xizidang, and it is also the vein mine that Qu Fantian once owned.

Guo Jintian coughed calmly, signaling him to shut up.

Moji understood and sat down with a smile.

The auction was getting more and more climax, everyone seemed to be pumped, stretched their necks, and yelled loudly, as if they were not calling for money, but just spittle.

Hao Sheng took a sip of tea, and glanced at everyone: "Everyone, the mine below is the one that everyone pays most attention to, and it is also the largest mine in Xizidang..."

Ou Fantian, who had been sitting silently all this time, finally moved and sat up straight, apparently ready to bid.

"No.18 mine, as we all know, has always been large, and the iron production is relatively high... Therefore, this year's auction base price, we have also raised it accordingly-the auction starts with [-] gold coins, and each bidding price increases Ten thousand gold coins!"

Many people in the crowd gasped and closed their mouths consciously.

One price increase is [-] gold coins, which only rich people can afford! !

Ou Fantian squinted his surroundings proudly, and held up his number plate: "No. 31!"

The eyes of everyone looked over unconsciously, there may not be many people who can play him in Xizidang! !

However, there are also people who are not reconciled, and then bid.

"Number seven!"

Guo Jintian and Mo Ji looked sideways at the person holding the No. [-] plate with complicated expressions.

"General Gu??"

"It's him……"

(End of this chapter)

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