Mad Queen

Chapter 751 Being hunted by monsters

Chapter 751 Being hunted by monsters
"It doesn't matter, as long as you have fun, I don't care..." Gu Ziwan was as good-tempered as ever, smiled and waved, watching the big guy leave.

The little dwarf walked past him with strange eyes: "Are you really not going with us?!"

"Me? I'm not going! You heard it too. Everyone asked me to pick some mushrooms and go back to stew meat. I'd better pick mushrooms..."

Gu Ziwan didn't intend to act with this group of bastards, but now that she is disliked, she just goes along with the flow, and she is very contented.

"Mushroom picking..." The corner of the little dwarf's mouth twitched.

In his heart, he had indescribable doubts about Gu Ziwan, and always felt that there was a story behind this person.

Because of her eyes, people can't see through, can't see through, like an abyss.

Someone in front called the little dwarf to hurry up, he responded, turned and followed.

Watching everyone leave, Gu Ziwan really leisurely swayed into the depths, out of tune with the hurried figures around her.

Others are rushing in, for fear that if they go late, their treasure will be poached by others.

As for her, it seemed as if she was going to follow along, she was not in a hurry, she was very at ease.

The Valley of Life and Death is divided into two areas, the periphery and the core, bounded by the river.

There are many kinds of beasts in the outer area, and the level is relatively low. As long as the cultivation base is not too bad, you can hunt and kill a few.

Looking along the way, you can see the remains of beasts that have been skinned and boned to take animal pills everywhere.

These beasts are mostly low-level ferocious beasts and spirit beasts, but there are also a few small mid-level monsters.


There was a slight whistling sound from the bushes on one side, and a big round and shiny head was exposed in the grass.

"What are you doing? Don't die?!"

Gu Ziwan looked around in bewilderment: "I... I was picking mushrooms... What's wrong?"

She walked her own way well, why didn't she die? !

"Why are you still standing there? Come here quickly..." Big Head waved his hands, squeezed his voice, and lowered his voice, beckoning Gu Ziwan to come over.

Gu Ziwan hesitated for a moment, but still walked over.

"Why are you looking for me?!"

Before the words were finished, the big head suddenly shot, grabbed her ankle with one hand, and dragged her into the small ditch beside her.

Gu Ziwan's eyes were sharp, and she suddenly clenched her right fist.

Before her fist landed on the forehead, he had already let go of her, winking and pursing his lips.

"Shh! Don't talk!!"

Except for his head, he was covered in mud and water, and he looked around in a state of embarrassment, as if he was on guard for something, and he was very cautious.

"There is a three-cornered beast here, if it is brought in, we are all in danger..."

The Triangle Beast is a kind of mid-level monster, with a cruel and murderous personality, and loves blood and fighting.

As long as it is the prey that is entangled by it, it will never die.


"Didn't you hunt come you were hunted by monsters instead?!" Gu Ziwan closed her fists and suppressed a smile.

"Damn, how did I know that the triangular beast has back eyes?!"

Thinking of the triangular beast, the big head is very depressed.

He acted alone and only hunted low-level fierce beasts and spirit beasts, so as not to cause trouble to his upper body.

But when he met the Triangular Beast, it was drinking water by the river with its butt up. He was thinking about making a sneak attack, so after a short hesitation, he did it.

I never thought that a monster is a monster, which is unusual. When the big head made a move, it also sensed the danger behind it, and took the lead in attacking it, biting the big head back.

(End of this chapter)

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