Mad Queen

Chapter 754

Chapter 754
Is this guy here for fun? !

But the triangular beast was eyeing it covetously, and he didn't want to waste any extra nonsense, so he could only raise his sword and wait.



The triangular beast raised its tail and charged towards it roaring.

The sword edge of the big head was raised, and Gu Ziwan raised the stone, preparing for the first impact.


"call out!"

A loud arrow whizzed through the sky, and instantly shot into the Triangle Beast's body from one side.


The triangular beast let out a heart-piercing scream, staggered and fell, rolling and sliding towards Gu Ziwan and his big head.


The big head flew up, stabbed down fiercely with a sword, and instantly sank into the head of the triangular beast.


Blood spattered, and the Triangle Beast twitched a few times and remained motionless.


With a woman's shout, a touch of light yellow appeared on the high slope.

A fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl flew towards her with a quiver on her back and a bow in her right hand.

The little girl had bright eyes and bright teeth, a classic beauty, but after seeing the corpse of the triangular beast, the excited smile instantly froze on her face.

"What are you doing?! What are you doing?!"

Shouting, she charged forward, hitting her big head with a palm of the void.

"Go away!!"

Unable to defend against his big head, he received a slap in the chest, was knocked back two steps in an instant, and hit the tree again.


His waist, which was already sprained, suddenly felt a tearing pain. The pain made him unsteady on his feet, and he almost knelt down.

"Are you alright?!" Gu Ziwan quickly reached out with one hand and grabbed his arm.


The fat man moved, and his face instantly turned into a flower with a smile.

"Hey, my waist is healed..."

Gu Ziwan→_→

Your waist is healed, but I'm afraid my life will be unfriendly.

Amidst the ragged sounds, quite a few people were coming across the sky.

In the blink of an eye, three figures appeared on the high slope.

"Little Junior Sister, how are you doing?"

"Little Junior Sister, are you alright?!"

"Junior Junior Sister, come back quickly!"


The three men were all wearing black surgery robes, two were embroidered with three stars, and one was embroidered with four stars.

Hearing their voices, the little girl's face turned bored, and she turned around unhappily.

"Nonsense, what can I do? Why are you here?!"

"Junior Sister, Master is worried about you, so let me come and take a look..." The man with four stars in black salivated and smiled.

"What does it mean to let you come over and take a look? It means to let me and Luo Shidi come over and take a look!!"

One of the black three-stars stared at the black four-stars unhappily, squinting with white eyes.

"Senior Brother Jiao, what you said is a bit out of place! Isn't this what you said about us in front of your junior sister?!"

"That's right!" Junior Brother Luo also had a displeased expression on his face, and raised his eyebrows proudly: "It's clearly the work of three people, so why did it become yours alone?!"


The three big men surrounded the girl in yellow clothes, and they didn't even look at Gu Ziwan and the big head, as if these two people were just like the three-cornered beast on the ground, two pieces of dead flesh.

"Are you bothered?!"

The girl in yellow frowned and glared at the three of them unhappily.

"I quarrel as soon as we meet!! I don't know why Dad asked the three of you to follow me!!"

She pulled out the arrow from the Triangular Beast and gestured coldly.

"Carry it back!"


The big head hurried forward and stopped the girl in yellow.

"Girl, this triangle beast was killed by the two of us, how can you carry it away alone?!"

(End of this chapter)

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