Mad Queen

Chapter 81 One more round of betting

Chapter 81 Another Gamble
Hao Sheng also wanted to see what happened clearly, and immediately said with a chuckle: "Gu Ziwan, as the saying goes, true gold is not afraid of fire!! If you have the ability, naturally you don't have to be afraid of anything... right?!"

Gu Ziwan's lips revealed a thin smile: "Do it again??"


"For a person like him who has no credibility and is desperate to jump over the wall, it's useless to try again ten times!! Because he doesn't want to admit that he has lost!!"

Haosheng is an old fox, so he guessed what Gu Ziwan meant in an instant.

"Gu Ziwan, don't worry, this time the general will be in charge of the inspection in person!! Although the general is old, he is still not old and dim-sighted. You can still tell if he is cheating or not!!"

He sat down and ordered Lu Chi to fetch another [-]% iron ore.

"This time, if you can still extract the iron marrow, then you win!! If you can't... then it proves that Ning Che's words are right..."

"Then count it as my loss!!" Gu Ziwan answered wildly.

Hao Sheng's eyes fell on Ou Fantian: "Young Master Ou, what do you think?!"

"According to what the old general said!!" Ou Fantian also wanted to see whether Gu Ziwan was really capable or cheating.

Gu Ziwan's eyes sharpened sharply, and her black eyes looked at Ning Che charmingly, her fingertips were overturned, and vitality came out quietly, falling on the iron ore.

This time, she did not use cover-ups, but refined directly with vitality.

In her hands, the fine iron slowly took shape, and Ning Che's eyes almost popped out in shock.


It has to be said that Gu Ziwan's refining method was something he had never seen nor heard from his master.

For a while, he suddenly felt a little sad.

It seems that the master's level is different, and the apprentice's start is also destined to be different.

People smelt refined iron with one hand, just like playing, but what about him? ?
I tried my best, and it took half the time for others to come up with such a piece.

It's really a comparison between people and people, and it makes people mad! !
The refined iron swirled in Gu Ziwan's palm, and finally it was fixed at the size of a basketball. With the deep tempering of vitality, the refined iron the size of a basketball began to shrink.

"She is tempering the iron marrow!!" Ou Fantian stood up in horror.

Ning Che's face became more and more ugly.

The refined iron gradually shrank in Gu Ziwan's palm, and finally turned into a soybean-sized iron marrow.

Her eyes were slightly cold, she withdrew her vitality, put the iron marrow in front of Hao Sheng, and stood silently.

The room was so silent that needles could be heard.

Everyone stood there silently and stunned, with extremely complicated thoughts.

A little five-year-old girl can be so awesome, so how powerful is her "uncle"? ?

It seems that in Xizidang in the future, they need to grow some eyes, so they must not offend her.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I don't even know how I died! !
Hao Sheng took the iron marrow and placed it in front of Ning Che meaningfully.

"Ning Che, do you still suspect Gu Ziwan of cheating now?!"

Ning Che's face was pale, sweat was pouring down like rain, his knees softened, and he slumped down on the chair in embarrassment.

How could he have the right to question him! !

"In this case..." Hao Sheng stood up heavily, and stood with his head held high: "Everyone, everyone has witnessed today's competition!! Now I announce that today's winner is Gu Ziwan!!"


Those who bet on Gu Ziwan's victory jumped up with a smile on their faces, and couldn't wait to exchange their gambling funds.

Ou Fantian lost a fortune again, and his face turned greener.

"Gu Ziwan!!"

He gave Ning Che a hard look, then flung his sleeves and left.

(End of this chapter)

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