Mad Queen

Chapter 838 Arrested

Chapter 838 Arrested

Mrs. Zhuo grabbed her arm, she couldn't stop the tears, she choked with sobs and shook her head hastily.

"Second Miss, I beg you, please save Brother Shui quickly..."

"Brother Shui?? What happened to him?"

"He was captured by the Shui family!"


Gu Ziwan almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"Shui family?? Which water family? It can't be Mingzhou water family?!"

Mrs. Zhuo wept and lowered her head: "Aside from the Shui family of the Jin family in Mingzhou, which other Shui family would be interested in Brother Shui?!"

Gu Ziwan quickly helped her up and sat on one side: "Mrs. Zhuo, don't cry, tell me what's going on..."

"Brother Shui worshiped under the sect of the Tianyan clan. I... I saw Fallen Heavenly Master treated him well, so I didn't reveal my identity to him. I just joined the Tianyan clan and became a woman in charge. Later..."

"Mixed in??" Gu Ziwan's eyes turned slightly: "With the cultivation level of a fallen celestial master, I should know who you are, right?!"

"I don't know...but I can enter, it is indeed his permission..."

Mrs. Zhuo has no intention of going into detail about the past now, and said hastily.

"Later, after I got acquainted with them, the Fallen Heavenly Master brought me here for the group in the ghost city this time... Said to take care of the food and daily life of the group..."

Gu Ziwan's heartbeat——

If Fallen Dao can know the origin of Brother Shui, then Mrs. Zhuo's identity should be easy to find out.

If this is the case, then it is a good explanation why Mrs. Zhuo can follow.

He wanted Mrs. Zhuo to spend more time with Brother Shui, mother and son.

"But yesterday when I was shopping for vegetables, I met the Shui family of the Mingzhou Jin clan. I avoided it at the time, but for some reason, they found me and followed me to the residence of the Tianyan clan... There, When they saw Brother Shui, they... took him away..."

Gu Ziwan sharpened her eyes: "Abducted last night?!"


"Then why did you find me now!?"

"I... I couldn't find you. Later, the Fallen Heavenly Master saw the I Ching school here, so let me try my luck..."

Mrs. Zhuo raised her skirt, and with a "plop", she knelt down again, weeping.

"Second miss, don't look at the monk's face to look at the Buddha's face, you can see the friendship between me and His Highness the Crown Prince, please help me this time..."

"Mingzhou...Jin Clan...Shui Clan..."

Gu Ziwan's eyes were cold, and she sat down with a heavy body, her eyes flickering.

"According to what you said...the reason why the Shui family took Brother Shui away?!"

She stared slowly, looking at Mrs. Zhuo.

"Mrs. Zhuo, if you want me to help you save'd better tell the truth and tell me everything you know..."

Mrs. Zhuo took a deep breath and slumped down in the chair, her eyes flickering and wandering, apparently not making up her mind whether she should say something or not.

Gu Ziwan looked away, pretending not to see her wavering.

she is waiting! !

Is there any sincerity in waiting for Mrs. Zhuo to ask her to save someone?

After a while, Mrs. Zhuo slowly closed her eyes, and replied tremblingly——

"It's a treasure map!!"

Gu Ziwan's eyes were dark, and she raised her head leisurely: "Treasure map?!"

"Yes! It's the treasure map from the place where the Mingzhou Jin family buried their gold..." Mrs. Zhuo sat in the chair, her fingertips clasped firmly on the armrest, trembling slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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