Mad Queen

Chapter 856 Choice

Chapter 856 Choice
The moment the card disappeared, the figure of Ghost Town Shoushen loomed, standing on top of the ring.

"Everyone, since you got the card, please step forward!"

Following the vertical leap of the figure, thirty people holding golden cards jumped onto the ghost ring, glanced at each other warily, and then stood upright.

Guicheng Shoushen glanced at everyone, laughed and grabbed the wrist of the person next to him, holding up the card.

"Everyone, this is the key for you to enter the second round... If you hold this key, you will enter the next round of debate. According to the old rules, only one person can participate in this game, so you have to think about it. Who will you choose?" join!"

"one person?!"

Everyone couldn't help but startled and looked at each other.

"That's person!! My ghost town is a peaceful place, I don't want to make blood flow!!"

one person? !

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and no one was speechless.

Guicheng Shoushen smiled and caressed his long hair, and lowered his eyes timidly: "This part of the game is called debate! As the name suggests, people with higher cultivation levels are required to participate in order to make money..."

Everyone's heart suddenly tightened.

"So...this competition is about cultivation!!" Che Nian frowned, "It's just... I don't know if the competition is about vitality or battle qi?!"

All eyes were on Ghost City Shoushen, full of anticipation.

Everyone is concerned about this issue--

Since it is a game of debate and requires those with the highest cultivation, it means that what awaits them is a real competition of swords and guns.

It's just that I don't know whether the focus of this competition is vitality or fighting spirit! !

After all, in each sect, there are different people who cultivate Dou Qi and Yuan Qi.

If you practice fighting qi, you will definitely suffer a loss if you send out your vitality, but if you are competing with martial arts, you will not gain much if you lose your fighting qi.


Guicheng Shoushen didn't seem to hear this question, but bowed his head with a smile.

"Everyone, I'll give you half a cup of tea to think about it. Those who participate in the game are on top of the ghost ring!"

His figure slowly faded away and disappeared.

Everyone exploded in an instant, gathered together one by one, discussing the countermeasures, and they were all entangled in whether to send fighting spirit out of the mountain, or send vitality to attack.

Che Nian walked down the ghost ring with his head drooping, and looked at Gu Ziwan with heavy breathing.

"Xiao Shi, needless to say, you are definitely going to make another move..."

Gu Ziwan smiled innocently: "Brother, do you also think that I am the most suitable candidate?!"

After all, not every sect can find a body of dual cultivation like her!
"I know you are the most suitable, but it's too dangerous..." Che Nian shook his head with a bitter face: "Besides, you were injured in the battle with Taijimen Hengshan just now... If you play this time, I'm afraid ..."

"Brother, how do you know I'm really hurt?!" Gu Ziwan smiled slyly.

Che Nian suddenly raised his head and stared: "But...but you were injured and vomited blood just now, we saw it with our own eyes!"

Gu Ziwan stood on tiptoe and almost whispered: "Elder brother, sometimes what you see with your own eyes may not be true... Don't you know that there are too many blindfold spells during the spell?!"

Che Nian took a breath, then suddenly looked at Gu Ziwan, and gasped.




He quickly shut up, covered his mouth, and looked into Gu Ziwan's eyes with a smile.

"You girl, are you a little bit of a thief?!"

(End of this chapter)

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