Mad Queen

Chapter 875 Capture

Chapter 875 Capture
"I thought that the person who was gifted by him with the Brahma Beads must have some extraordinary talent, a divine bone...I didn't expect that he was just an ordinary layman!!"


Gu Ziwan was burned inside and out, the pain was endless, her lips trembled a few times, and then she uttered a few words.

"I...don't did you say..."

Oh shit! !
How did the Fanzhu get into her body, she didn't know it at all? !

It seems that this woman has a certain relationship with the former owner of the Fanzhu!

It's just that this relationship doesn't seem very friendly!

Poor thing, she somehow became a scapegoat.

"I don't know?! Hmph!!"

Soul God sneered, turned his head slightly, approached Gu Ziwan, and raised her chin.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know... Anyway, with your vulgar qualifications, you are not worthy of owning the Brahma Bead!!"

Her fingertips tightened suddenly, and Gu Ziwan suddenly felt a pain like skin peeling.


Gu Ziwan's screams greatly benefited Soul God.

"Let me just say, how could a layman not be captured by turned out to be the body protection of the Brahman Beads! It's a's better for me to keep such a sacred object..."


The silver light slipped through Soul God's fingertips, and penetrated into Gu Ziwan's body little by little.


The pain like a knife piercing the body instantly spread throughout the body.

Gu Ziwan felt as if countless knives were cutting open her body bit by bit, separating the flesh and pulling out the bones.

The pain of skinning and tearing bones made Gu Ziwan almost faint, she was sweating, and her whole body felt as if she had fallen into a cave of ice.

"You didn't die like this?!" There was a touch of surprise in the eyes of the Soul God: "No one among ordinary people can escape my Miehun, even if you have a Brahma Orb, it can't protect you..."

Even though Gu Ziwan didn't die, she felt that she had stepped into the gate of hell.

The power of the Soul God pressing on her made it impossible for her to resist, and even Fan Zhu's several attempts to resist the Lord Protector failed to break through her power.

If this continues, she will be killed sooner or later.

"However, even if you don't die, it's useless..."

Soul God then recovered his disdain and held his head proudly.

"Fanzhu... is mine after all!!"

Her strength became a little stronger, she directly grabbed the Brahma Bead in Gu Ziwan's body, and forcibly pulled it away.


The faint golden light broke out of Gu Ziwan's body, but was shot back by the silver light of Soul God.

Fanzhu seemed to be struggling for the last time, and was finally pulled out of Gu Ziwan's body unwillingly.

Leaving the protection of the Fanzhu, Gu Ziwan's physical body finally couldn't bear it, and she passed out directly.

When the golden bead entered his eyes, the smile on the corner of Soul God's lips deepened——

"Hmph... You don't want to give me the Brahma Bead, but it fell into my hands?!"

With a sneer, she grabbed Fanzhu with one hand.

all of a sudden—


A red light broke out of Gu Ziwan's body and hit Soul God instantly.


She screamed and flew backwards.

The Fanzhu, which had lost its intake, retracted back into Gu Ziwan's body with a "whoosh".


Soul God fell heavily to the ground, silently spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Not caring about wiping off the blood from the corner of his mouth, he looked at Gu Ziwan in horror.

"Then...that is it possible? She...hasn't she been wiped out long ago?!"

In mid-air, a layer of faint red light appeared on Gu Ziwan's body, and finally disappeared gradually.

(End of this chapter)

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