My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 1007 If I Hadn't Been At Home That Night, I Really Didn't Know Ling Qian Was Getti

Chapter 1007 If I Hadn't Been At Home That Night, I Really Didn't Know Ling Qian Was Getting Engaged

Qin Sitong was sitting next to Gu Lingqian, so she handed the gift directly to Gu Lingqian.

Gu Lingqian took the gift and said with a smile, "My fifth uncle and fifth aunt are too polite."

As soon as he finished speaking, he handed the gift to Xia Yinian.

Xia Yinian wanted to shirk, but after meeting Gu Lingqian's eyes, she had no choice but to accept the gift.

"Thank you fifth uncle and fifth aunt." She looked at the two people diagonally opposite and expressed her gratitude with a smile.

"It turns out that the fifth brother and the fifth sister-in-law have all received the notice. If I hadn't happened to be at home that night, I really didn't know that Ling Qian was getting engaged."

Suddenly, Gu Beicheng, who had been studying the game with the children, looked up at everyone, and finally, his eyes fell on the old man who just came over.

His eyes were obviously a little unfriendly, but he still called softly: "Dad."

The old man glanced at Gu Beicheng, and tried hard to swallow the words "brat".

I'm almost engaged, so what's the point of bringing this up?
The old man nodded coldly, and then he opened the chair and sat down.

Mr. Gu Haofeng came with the old man. After he sat down, the table was also full.

Gu Zhihang and Qin Sitong obviously didn't know these things, and both of them were a little stunned.

"Old Qi, are you too busy? You don't even know about Ling Qian's engagement?" Gu Zhihang smiled.

After all, he was in Yecheng and often went home.

"Is everyone here?" The old man's words interrupted the situation on the table.

"Master, as well as Sixth Master and Young Master Fei Mo, the others are all back."

As soon as the butler's voice fell, the servant over there called out "Master Liu", and everyone else looked up.

Xia Yinian, the legendary president of Fengying Film and Television Entertainment Co., Ltd., has never seen him before.

Although she had been engaged to Brother Ling Qian for some time, she hadn't even met all of his family members.

Not to mention that my uncle didn't receive the notice, Xia Yinian didn't even know about her engagement until the last moment.

However, it has been so long that it is meaningless to talk about it.

Gu Fengjin, Mr. Gu Jialiu, known as Liu Ye, is the president of the largest film and television entertainment company in Yecheng.

Now Fengying Film and Television not only has an industry in Yecheng, it is said that it has developed to other places.

Although it is still far behind the Imperial Group, it is still developing rapidly.

It can be said that in Yecheng, people from the age of eight to 80 have heard of the name Fengying Film and Television.

Looking up and seeing the man coming in, Xia Yinian was still stunned.

It turns out that the sixth master is also so handsome. It seems that there are no ugly people in the entire Gu family, and the same word is handsome.

I don't know if it's because I don't dress so grandly for film and television, or because Liu Ye just came over from his home.

The man was wearing a set of plain casual clothes, with his hands in his trouser pockets, and a pair of clean sneakers.

It's simple, it can even be said to be too casual, but it doesn't diminish his charm at all.

Liu Ye's skin is not as white as my uncle and brother Ling Qian's, but it is still fairer than 80.00% of people.

The most important thing is that his skin gives people a clean and translucent feeling, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Thick sword eyebrows, the most important symbol of a handsome guy.

The deep eyes are like a clear pool, and when you see it to the end, it loses a bit of coldness, and it seems that it should belong to the approachable type.

Clean and tall nose, sexy and charming.

The thin lips were slightly pursed, and there seemed to be a bit of a smile.

In addition to that muscular figure of at least 1.8 meters [-], Xia Yinian knew that this man did not know how many women he had harmed.

(End of this chapter)

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