My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 1012 Famous Capital Mansion

Chapter 1012 Famous Capital Mansion
After coming out of the shopping mall, Ye Shushu was basically the same.

She sat in the passenger seat and didn't say a word, but she couldn't help secretly looking at Gu Feimo from time to time.

Knowing that he was going home for a reunion, she forgot that she was still in her car.

Otherwise, if she thought that Gu Feimo was going to take her back home, how could she remain so calm?
It wasn't until the car stopped that Ye Shushu took a serious look outside.

Seeing the big characters "Mingdu Mansion", she suddenly realized that this is the community where her family is located.

Fortunately, Young Master Fei Mo sent her back.

Although Ye Shushu felt a little uncomfortable at the thought of being separated from him, but it was better than him taking herself to other places.

After all, today's Mid-Autumn Festival, he didn't send her back, but went back home with her.

The Gu family is a place she can't even think about, stop joking.

"Senior Fei Mo, thank you for sending me back." As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Shushu wanted to unbuckle his seat belt.

Gu Feimo honked the horn, and the guard, who was hesitant to open the door just now, was so frightened that he immediately went back and opened the door.

There are villas in the mansion of Mingdu. It can be said that those who can buy a villa here are rich people.

However, the guard hadn't seen such a high-end car before, so he was stunned, and he let it go immediately.

Ignoring Ye Shushu's words, Gu Feimo drove in the car.

Before Ye Shushu had time to ask, how did he know that his home was here? What was even more surprising was that Senior Fei Mo seemed to know which villa he lived in.

After turning two corners, Gu Feimo stopped the car in front of a yard.

At this moment, Ye Shushu, who had been in a daze all this time, came to her senses.

Today, after finishing work on the cruise ship, Senior Fei Mo said that he would visit his mother tonight.

"Senior Fei Mo, do you... want to go in?" Ye Shushu asked hoarsely.

Gu Feimo had already got out of the car. He opened the trunk and took down all the ten bags of gifts.

Before Ye Shushu could say anything, he picked up all the gifts by himself and walked into the yard just like when he came out of the shopping mall.

It can be said that the Ye family has always been in decline. If this villa had not been bought long ago, the place they lived in would not be that big.

In the entire Ye family, there is only one servant left.

The family was eating in the yard, and they didn't even know that someone had come in.

"Master, that's..." The servant saw Gu Feimo before them.

It was the first time she saw such a handsome young master.

Gu Feimo's hands were full of things, and when he saw the people eating at the side of the yard, he frowned and stopped.

Ye Shushu had completely forgotten about it, so she didn't tell her family that Senior Fei Mo would come to visit tonight.

After being stunned outside the door for a while, she immediately trotted in.

Seeing Gu Feimo and the few people who were eating, they thought they were dazzled.

Ye Haoran reacted quickly, stood up immediately, and greeted him.

"Master Fei Mo, you are here, welcome!"

When Ye Haoran came over, Ye Shushu also ran in.

Not only Ye Haoran, but the others couldn't sit still at this moment, they stood up and greeted him.

"Shu Shu, why didn't you say hello when Master Fei Mo came over?" Zhu Lisha complained.

Knowing that this girl and Young Master Fei Mo were likely to hang out together, she felt conflicted.

Young master Fei Mo didn't intend to help the Ye family, but he made Ye Shushu cheaper.

(End of this chapter)

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