My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 1016 Please forgive me, can you?

Chapter 1016 Please forgive me, can you?
Finally, she raised her eyes again and turned the question back to Gu Feimo.

Anyway, this is the trouble he created.

"Master Fei Mo, what happened?" Zhu Lisa asked in a low voice.

"Shu Shu is really a girl. She was born in a blessing and didn't know her blessing. If she were Yuanyuan, she would definitely not be so hypocritical and say such a thing."

When Zhu Lisha wanted to push her daughter up, Gu Feimo interrupted her.

"It's not Shu Shu's problem." Gu Feimo looked at Ye Shushu, and slightly curled his lips, "It's my fault."

"How could Master Fei Mo be wrong? It must be Shu Shu's problem, she is too ignorant of flattery, Yuanyuan is different."

It's not that Zhu Lisha didn't receive Ye Haoran's warning, but she didn't want to ignore it.

It's rare to talk about breaking up. She doesn't mind letting her daughter be a backup. Her daughter is no worse than the daughter of this junior.

If it wasn't for Ye Shushu's shitty luck to enter Kyoto University, how could she have the chance to climb to the top?
Simply doing nothing, Zhu Lisha pulled Ye Yuanyuan a little.

"Master Fei Mo, if Shu Shu is really so naughty, you can also consider Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan has always admired you."

"No, not Young Master Mo." Ye Yuanyuan bit her lip and called softly.

"Oh? Worship me? Your name is Yuanyuan?" Gu Feimo curled his lips slightly.

Being so disturbed by Zhu Lisha, not only Ye Haoran, but even Ye Shaoquan didn't know what to say.

Everyone looked at Gu Feimo, and Ye Shushu was no exception.

She really didn't expect that when things had developed to this point, Zhu Lisa would still have such a thing.

Even though her father was involved in calculating her, Ye Shushu believed that he must have been instigated by Zhu Lisha.

Originally, she was a little reluctant to leave this man, but now that Zhu Lisha and Ye Yuanyuan are here, Ye Shushu doesn't want to leave him even more.

Even if it was a transaction, she was unwilling to let Ye Yuanyuan have contact with Senior Fei Mo.

"Yeah." Ye Yuanyuan shyly lowered her head when Gu Feimo looked at her like that.

Looking at Gu Feimo's different eyes, Zhu Lisha seemed to see hope.

"Master Fei Mo, Yuanyuan is 20 years old, she is good in character and learning, but she is a good girl."

"Have you... said enough?" Gu Feimo shifted his gaze to Zhu Lisa.

The sudden change in his gaze startled her again.

Julia was taken aback, her eyes widened.

Trying to stabilize her emotions, she nodded with a smile, but she no longer dared to speak.

"That's good." Gu Feimo raised his eyebrows, and his eyes fell on Ye Yuanyuan again.

"Yuanyuan, are you a virgin? Shu Shu wants to break up with me because I was not gentle enough when she was the first time."

"I don't know, you... haven't kept the first time?"

Gu Feimo's straightforward words made Ye Yuanyuan's face turn from red to black, and she almost cried.

"Master Fei Mo, I..." She bit her lip, even if it wasn't, she wouldn't admit it.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, whether you are or not, I'm not interested."

As soon as the words fell, Gu Feimo looked away, and with a casual pull, he easily hugged the dazed girl in his arms.

After kissing the back of her hand, Gu Feimo let go of all the chills just now, and said softly: "Shu Shu, I'm sorry! Please forgive me, is that okay?"

Gu Feimo's gentleness, and the him just now, are like two completely different people, which amazed everyone present.

(End of this chapter)

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