My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 1033 I'm So Sad!

Chapter 1033 I'm So Sad!

Gu Beicheng's palm was still around her waist, but he didn't make any unnecessary movements.

"Why didn't anyone remind him, where did Chi He die?" Xia Yinian didn't know why he was so angry.

However, he said that the pain must be true, thinking of his pale face from the pain just now, she still feels a dull pain in her heart.

"Yes, I don't know where he died, maybe, I really need to consider another assistant." Gu Beicheng smiled happily.

The little girl cared so much about him, why didn't he know?He thought she and Ling Qian were getting along well and forgot about himself.

Fortunately, I did not forget.

Xia Yinian pursed her lips, only to realize that she spoke too strongly.

When feeding him porridge again, she didn't look at him.

"It's not Chi He's problem at all. It's because you don't know how to cherish yourself and want to pass the responsibility to others. Chi He has done a good enough job."

After stirring again, feeling that the porridge in the bowl was not so hot, Xia Yinian directly picked up the bowl.

"After eating this bowl of porridge, you should feel better."

This guy really deserves a beating, taking medicine on an empty stomach will only make his stomach hurt more, doesn't he know?

Maybe, he doesn't know, or he just doesn't want to cherish his body.

Gu Beicheng was very cooperative, as long as it was sent by her, he never refused.

"Don't think that if you are young, you can consume your body casually. You are already 27. When you are over 30, your body function will decline very quickly."

"At that time, it's useless for you to regret it!" Xia Yinian complained coldly.

But, no matter what kind of breath she has, Gu Beicheng likes it.

Anyway, if she didn't really care about herself, she wouldn't talk so much, would she?

Thinking of the little girl feeling sorry for him, Gu Beicheng was excited from the heart.

"Nian Nian is worried about the happiness of my lower half... body in the future?" Gu Beicheng slightly hooked his lips, "Don't worry, I will definitely satisfy you."

Xia Yinian held the spoon and froze for a moment before he understood what he said.

"Gu Beicheng, do you deserve a beating?" She was not afraid of a patient.

"It's called Beicheng." Gu Beicheng pursed his lips.

"Eat it yourself, I don't care about you." Xia Yinian put the spoon back into the bowl, and pushed the whole bowl in front of him.

"If you don't love me, I won't eat or sleep." Gu Beicheng smacked his lips.

"Whatever you want, it's your business anyway." Xia Yinian became even more angry.

This man really deserves a beating, he just said some irresponsible words, his body is his, and he wants to make a fuss, why should she stop it?

"You know I will do this. Anyway, these days, every day, just take some medicine if it hurts, and you can't die." Gu Beicheng decided that she would not ignore him.

"You..." Xia Yinian took a deep breath, only to make a real move.

However, she didn't doubt his words, and Chi He wouldn't lie to her about these things.

"I thought you and Ling Qian were getting better, so you forgot about me. I'm so sad!" Suddenly, Gu Beicheng put away his beating expression.

Obviously still those deep eyes, but they are no longer cautious, and even make people feel a little bit of pity involuntarily.

But, is this really the look that my uncle should have?
After being slightly stunned, Xia Yinian finally realized.

"Brother Ling Qian and I are both engaged, are we normal?"

Knowing that he would be angry, she didn't intend to bother.

Aren't he and Yu Wanqing also getting engaged in two days?Not only did she not come over to argue, but she actually stayed to take care of him. How dare he ask for so much?

(End of this chapter)

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