Chapter 1048
Xia Yinian withdrew his gaze and met the gaze of the old lady.

"Grandma, you always like to joke so much." She and Gu Lingqian stopped beside the old lady.

"Grandma isn't joking, tsk tsk...Niannian has such a good figure, she is no different from me 50 years ago."

The old lady took Xia Yinian's hand in satisfaction, and her eyes fell on her, slowly admiring her.

Xia Yinian couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Nian Nian don't believe it?" The old lady frowned.

"Of course not." Xia Yinian waved his hand, "Don't look at other things, just look at the old man's love for grandma, Niannian can guess it."

"That's right." The old lady pulled back Xia Yinian's hand with a look of pity, "Ling Qian, if you dare to treat Niannian badly, I will never forgive you."

"I won't, grandma, don't worry." Gu Lingqian said softly.

Gu Beicheng coughed lightly, turned around and looked at the three people behind him.

"Uncle." Gu Lingqian looked at him and nodded.

"Uncle." Xia Yinian also called out.

Looking at the girl who was being held by Ling Qian, no matter how calm Gu Beicheng was, he half rolled his eyes.

What did Ling Qian do to make Nian Nian dress like this?
Even the old lady felt Gu Beicheng's sudden chill.

She glanced back at him, frowning.

"what happened?"

"Mom." Gu Beicheng frowned thickly, and looked away from Xia Yinian, "It's okay, I'm just a little hungry."

Gu Beicheng's fiery gaze just now was seen by Yu Wanqing who came out from the second floor.

Knowing that Beicheng was back, she came out to take a look, but she didn't expect that woman to be there.

Staring at the figure in a light yellow evening dress downstairs, she clenched her teeth.

"Hungry? You came back so late, haven't you had dinner yet?" the old lady complained.

"Well, I forgot." Gu Beicheng nodded.

Xia Yinian seemed to feel that when my uncle said he forgot to eat dinner, he seemed to glance at himself.

Because she didn't send a message during dinner today, did he really forget to eat?
Today is his and Yu Wanqing's engagement day, she thought he would come back early to accept everyone's blessings.

Now it sounds like my uncle has just come back.

The messages in the past two days have been like sinking into the sea, Xia Yinian didn't get any reply, she even thought he was kidding herself that night.

So, it's not that she forgot to send him a message tonight, it's just that she doesn't think it's necessary.

"What time is it?" The old lady looked at Gu Lingqian.

Gu Lingqian looked at his watch before meeting her gaze.

"Eight forty-five."

"You go to eat something first, and it will be your turn to go out with Wan Qing at about 45:[-], eat something to fill your stomach, drink is a must tonight."

The old lady glanced at Gu Beicheng and ordered.

"Alright, Niannian, go and bring me some dinner." Gu Beicheng nodded and walked towards the dining room.

Xia Yinian froze for a moment, then nodded.

"okay, I get it."

Gu Lingqian let go of Xia Yinian, even the old lady did not stop her.

"Xiaoya, go help Miss Niannian."

"Yes, old lady."

With grandma's consent, Xia Yinian left with Xiaoya.

Yu Wanqing gritted her teeth fiercely and disappeared into the corridor on the second floor.

After a while, Xia Yinian and the maid came back with a dinner from the side door.

When they came to the dining room, the maid stopped, turned around to look at Xia Yinian, and called softly, "Miss Niannian."

(End of this chapter)

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