My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 1050 Show Me One Person

Chapter 1050 Show Me Alone

Looking at the man in front of him, Xia Yinian pursed his lips, feeling happy in his heart.

In just a few minutes, how did he think there was such a way, and even find this little thing in such a short period of time?

It's no wonder my uncle will always use Chi He heavily. Chi He knows a lot and does things very quickly.

However, is Chi Hyuk in love?How do you even know such subtle things?
Feeling touched, Xia Yinian whispered, "Thank you."

"Don't wear this kind of clothes in the future. Mom prepared it for you?" Gu Beicheng said lightly.

Ling Qian probably wouldn't be happy with the little girl dressed like this, after all, he wasn't the only one watching tonight.

"Yeah." Xia Yinian nodded, "I didn't pay attention to it before, and it's the first time I choose carefully today. I promise this is the most conservative way."

Uh... why did you give him a guarantee?It seems that the person he is engaged to tonight is not himself, right?

Was she fantasizing about something after that night?

"Forget it tonight, it's pretty good."

As soon as the words fell, Gu Beicheng stretched out his big palm, brushed away her long hair, put his palm on her exposed back, and hugged her into his arms.

He lowered his head and kissed her on the head, leaning his thin lips against her earlobe.

"Mom has a good eye, I keep them all, and I will change them every night for me to see."

His words were gentle, yet overbearing so that no one could refuse.

"Every night from now on" and "alone", are you implying something?Is there really such a chance?
The hot breath of the man lingered in Xia Yinian's ears and neck, and more than that, he suddenly bit her earlobe.

Xia Yinian's whole body trembled suddenly, as if an electric current was passing through his whole body.

She frowned, subconsciously took half a step back.

"I'm going out first, grandma is waiting."

"Nian Nian is so sensitive." Gu Beicheng retracted his palm when she stood firm.

He hooked his lips slightly, with a happy expression on his face.

"You!" Xia Yinian muttered and glared at him.

Uncle smelly!He dared to tease her at this time, but he was moved because he did him a favor.

"Okay, don't be angry, I still need your help." Gu Beicheng suppressed his smile, and suddenly became serious.

"I won't help." Xia Yinian smacked his lips and snorted coldly.

"Let's get down to business, don't get angry, okay?" Gu Beicheng took her hand and walked towards the dining table.

Xia Yinian shook it violently, unable to shake it off.

After the man sat down, not only did he not let go, but he also fixed her on his lap.

"Uncle, can you stop playing?" Xia Yinian became even more angry.

She has to go out now. She has been in for several minutes. Isn't this a joke for others?
I couldn't give brother Ling Qian happiness, and decided not to allow him to be the laughing stock of others.

"Okay, give me 30 seconds." Gu Beicheng looked at her seriously.

"Okay, start counting now, thirty, 29..."

Xia Yinian only counted to two, and when she was hugged tightly again, she instantly calmed down.

Gu Beicheng whispered in her ear for about ten seconds, then let her go and let her get off his lap.

"This is a will help, won't you?"

Xia Yinian looked at him, her eyebrows slightly frowned.

"How can I help with this kind of thing?"

After meditating for a while, she took a deep breath, frowned and said lightly: "Anyway, you're not at a loss, aren't you?"

"You really think so?" Gu Beicheng's breath became much colder in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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