My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 1061 Stop making her cry!

Chapter 1061 Stop making her cry!

There was a "bang" on the balcony, and a "bang" at the door, two violent impacts sounded at the same time.

Xia Yinian didn't close the door when she entered, she didn't even know when the door was locked.

The loud sound woke up the two people on the bed.

With teary eyes, Xia Yinian unconsciously looked towards the balcony.

Seeing clearly the figure that entered through the broken window, her tears flowed down instantly.

"Uncle, save me! Uncle..."

The girl's voice was full of tears, causing the hearts of the two men who had just appeared in the room to throb.

"Nian Nian." The two men called out in unison.

The man on top of Xia Yinian didn't even have a chance to think, his tall body was thrown out by Gu Beicheng.

Seeing the trembling girl on the bed, Gu Lingqian just wanted to go over and give her a warm embrace to make her feel at ease.

However, not only Gu Beicheng, but also Gu Lingqian could clearly hear Xia Yinian's cry at the most critical moment.

He knew that in the little girl's heart, he would never be as good as his uncle.

No matter how much he didn't want to admit it, it was a fact he already knew.

Throwing away the damned obstacle, only Xia Yinian remained in Gu Beicheng's eyes.

He clenched his fists, took off his suit, put it on the girl, and held her in his arms.

"It's okay." Because of her presence, his voice became even hoarse.

Gu Lingqian kicked the man lying on the ground forcefully, making sure that he was unconscious, and then looked at the two people on the bed.

"Uncle, how do you feel?"

"It's okay." Gu Beicheng threw out two words and hugged Xia Yinian horizontally.

The doors and windows were opened, and with the convective wind, Xia Yinian was a little more awake than before.

She looked at Gu Beicheng for a moment before she was really sure that he was coming.

"Uncle, I..." Xia Yinian looked down at his wrapped body and sobbed.

"It's okay, it's all my fault, I shouldn't ask you to help." Gu Beicheng frowned lightly, in addition to pity, there was more remorse in his eyes.

He originally planned to ask Ling Qian to help, but he wanted to see the little girl nervous about him.

Unexpectedly, because of his selfishness, he almost killed her.

Gu Beicheng held the girl with one hand, closed his fist with one big palm, and hit the wall hard.

"Uncle!" Xia Yinian exclaimed, almost sitting up in his arms.

She clearly saw the bloodstains on the wall, and there was also a long bloodstain on the uncle's arm.

"Uncle, you're bleeding." Xia Yinian took a deep breath, his face full of panic.

"It's okay." Gu Beicheng withdrew his big palm and wrapped his arms around the person in his arms.

After giving her a reassuring look, he looked at Gu Lingqian.

"Ling Qian's matter today is under pressure for now, I don't want to alarm Mom."

"Okay, I see." Gu Lingqian nodded, "Uncle, do you need to find a doctor for you?"

"No need!" After leaving a word, Gu Beicheng hugged Xia Yinian, turned around and walked towards the shattered floor-to-ceiling glass door.

"Uncle." Watching the little girl disappear from his sight, Gu Lingqian blurted out and called again.

"What's the matter?" Gu Beicheng tried his best to suppress his breath, and snorted coldly.

Gu Lingqian tightened his naturally lowered palm, turned around, and left a word.

"Don't make her cry again!"

His voice was not heavy, but he was expressing a certain impulse in his heart. It seemed that as long as Gu Beicheng still made Xia Yinian cry, he would desperately snatch her back.

(End of this chapter)

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