My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 1072 Mom, do you believe me?

Chapter 1072 Mom, do you believe me?
"I dare not." Yu Wanqing withdrew her hand.

"With mom here, you don't have to worry." The old lady comforted.

"Actually..." Yu Wanqing bit her lip and lowered her head, "Actually, there was a scene played by someone last night."

"Mom, I'm sorry! I'm too scheming."

Once again meeting the eyes of the old lady, Yu Wanqing finally suppressed the tears, welling up again.

"No, you just love that kid too much. He was born in a blessing and didn't know how to be blessed." What the old lady said to her was not surprising at all.

"What's the matter? Tell me, I'll help you later."

"Mom." Yu Wanqing called softly.

"It's okay, I don't blame you, just say it." The old lady gave her a stable look.

"Last night, I was worried that Niannian and Ling Qian would stop my plan, so I asked people to trick Niannian into the room where I changed clothes last night, so as to distract Ling Qian's attention."

"However, I really didn't mean to hurt Niannian, Mom, do you believe me?" Yu Wanqing looked at the old lady without blinking.

It was as if, if the old lady didn't believe it, she would collapse directly.

Last night, she was so frightened by Beicheng that she actually revealed her room. In the end, she passed out after taking the medicine. Until now, she didn't know about Xia Yinian's situation.

But since the old lady is here, what happened in her room should be suppressed.

After she woke up, she only knew that she had been changed rooms, and she didn't know anything else.

Has this bitch Xia Yinian been ruined?
If he happened to see the scene of her being bullied when Beicheng passed by, he probably wouldn't be interested in her anymore.

This is the only possibility worthy of my own happiness, but I hope he can't pass it in time.

No man can bear this kind of thing, and Beicheng is just a normal man.

If so, he will still be his own sooner or later.

"Nian Nian should be fine, nothing happened in your room last night."

What the old lady said made Yu Wanqing almost fall to the bottom.

Not only did she drug that man, but she also prepared it for Xia Yinian. How could Xia Yinian be fine?

It only took 5 minutes for everything to start, and she and Bei Cheng spent at least ten minutes together.

No matter how fast Beicheng walked, he would still be too late, wouldn't he?
Was it Ling Qian who saved her?However, when she still saw Ling Qian, the matter should have started, and he still wanted to look for it, how could it be possible in time?
It's as if things never happened. Could it be that everything that should have happened happened, but was suppressed by someone with a heart?

Smiling secretly in her heart, Yu Wanqing breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's fine, I'm still worried that Nian Nian will be scared."

"It's okay, Nian Nian is not a cowardly girl, she probably knew she was cheated, so she should leave by herself." The old lady said softly.

Both are good girls, and she doesn't want to see who has a bad life.

"Come down and change a set of clothes, and accompany me to Fengzhu for a walk."

"Yes, Mom." Yu Wanqing looked at the old lady and nodded.


After being tossed all night, Xia Yinian was really tired and hungry.

She glanced at the man who was always looking at her from time to time, and was eating more often.

It seems that I don't want to throw everything away, and such a moment is also very warm.

Today, my uncle is so kind to her, even his eyes are gentle, she feels very happy from the bottom of her heart.

Although it is not a lifetime thing, she also wants to feel it now.

(End of this chapter)

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