My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 1074 Drink it while it’s hot, it’s bad for your health if it’s cold

Chapter 1074 Drink it while it’s hot, it’s bad for your health if it’s cold

No matter how tightly she dressed, she still couldn't hide the fact.

Xia Yinian must have had sex with a man last night, Yu Wanqing was sure.

But why is she here?Can you still have breakfast with Beicheng with a happy face?
Could it be that the man from last night was also from Beicheng?

Thinking of this possibility, Yu Wanqing had a splitting headache and even wanted to kill someone.

Why did Xia Yinian easily get what she couldn't get after going through all kinds of hardships regardless of everything?

Why can't God take care of her once?Even if it's just once.

The people behind stopped, and the old lady could only be forced to stop.

"Wanqing, what's the matter?" She looked back at Yu Wanqing.

The old lady knew that it must be because she felt uncomfortable seeing Xia Yinian, and she didn't expect that Niannian would be here.

"Mom, good morning." Gu Beicheng stood up and walked over.

Xia Yinian also pretended to be a little surprised when he saw the people coming over.

"Good morning, grandma." She stood up and called softly.

Seeing Gu Beicheng approaching, Yu Wanqing's whole body stiffened.

He was really scary last night. She knew that if she hadn't been useful, Beicheng might have made a move.

However, she hasn't succeeded in giving herself to him yet, so how could she give up so easily?

"Why are you here so early? If you want to have breakfast with me, you can tell me in advance."

Gu Beicheng took the wheelchair from Yu Wanqing and walked towards the dining table.

"Chi He, prepare breakfast for Mom."

"Yes, Master Seven."

Chi He's words seemed to ring in her ears, and Yu Wanqing reacted abruptly.

She pinched her thigh hard and lowered her head.

"Mom, since Beicheng and Niannian are with you, I'll go there first."

"Wan Qing, come here." The old lady whispered.

Gu Beicheng ignored Yu Wanqing, and even Xia Yinian did the same.

Yu Wanqing walked over timidly, and stopped beside the old lady.

"Beicheng." She looked at the person who had just sat down and called softly.

Gu Beicheng didn't even look at her.

Even Xia Yinian was the same, if it wasn't for what happened last night, under such circumstances, she should have called Yu Wanqing "Miss Qing".

However, she was too lazy to do such a hypocritical thing.

"Sit down and talk." The old lady said lightly.

Yu Wanqing nodded, pulled the chair beside the old lady and sat down.

All her movements seemed a little cautious, which made the old lady feel pity for her.

"Nian Nian, why are you here?" The old lady glanced at the girl opposite.

"Brother Ling Qian brought me here." Xia Yinian answered smoothly and without concealment, no one would doubt her words.

"Niannian almost had an accident last night. When Ling Qian left, please entrust her to me." Gu Beicheng picked up the pot in front of him and poured some milk for Xia Yinian.

"Drink it while it's hot, it's not good for your health when it's cold."

"Thank you, uncle." Xia Yinian looked at Gu Beicheng and nodded.

This guy's answer is not bad, but there is a little more movement, why do you need to add milk to yourself now, what if grandma thinks too much?
Gu Beicheng pursed his lips and smiled, and gave her a look of "Mom won't think too much".

Xia Yinian breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart, and didn't bother with him, after all, it wasn't now.

"Niannian almost had an accident?" The old lady frowned.

When she entered the door, she noticed that Xia Yinian's complexion was not very good. Now that she took a closer look, it was even worse.

(End of this chapter)

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