My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 1078 This Kid Is Too Tired

Chapter 1078 This Kid Is Too Tired
In the dining room on the first floor of Fengzhu, Yu Wanqing and the old lady were left alone.

Yu Wanqing was both disturbed and regretful.

Just now, she just wanted to let Beicheng know that she was still in love, and she kept the first time for him, not because she thought innocence was a trivial matter as he said.

Unexpectedly, by a slip of the tongue, he indirectly admitted that he wanted to kill Xia Yinian.

If the old woman knew that she was still thinking about Xia Yinian, would she still believe her?
"Wan Qing, what's going on? I don't want you to lie to me about anything." The old lady's deep voice sounded.

Nian Nian must have been frightened last night, she could see it herself.

In order to prevent her from getting sick, would this little girl prefer to be wronged herself?
The old lady never doubted Nian Nian's kindness to herself.

Therefore, if Gu Beicheng stayed, it made her feel very uncomfortable.

The old lady even felt that she had helped someone who shouldn't, and made the girl who put herself first in everything wronged and sad.

But Wan Qing is also a good girl, she really doesn't want to believe that she would do such a thing.

The old lady said "Mom" just now, but now she actually changed it to "I".

Yu Wanqing never thought that her several years of hard work could not compare to Xia Yinian's few days of effort.

However, she couldn't believe it anymore, and this was already something she couldn't deny.

Biting her lips tightly, Yu Wanqing took the old lady's hands, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry! I was too much last night, but, I swear, I really didn't know it would turn out like this. Mom, please believe me."

"I leave everything to my subordinates to deal with. It may be that they used wrong methods, which almost hurt Niannian."

Yu Wanqing was choked with sobs, she didn't raise her head, and her voice was pitifully low.

"I admit that I really don't like Nian Nian. Things have come to this point. I don't think I need to hide some things from you."

"Whether the old lady is willing to call me 'Mom' or not in the future, I am sincere to Beicheng, and I sincerely treat you as a mother."

The old lady took a deep breath and held her hand in turn.

"Get up, no matter what happens, you will always be the best candidate for my little daughter-in-law, why don't I want to hear you call me mom?"

"Is there any misunderstanding between you and Niannian? Sit down and speak clearly."

Perhaps, what happened to Nian Nian was Wan Qing's fault, but the old lady was still willing to believe her sincerity towards Gu Beicheng.

And this kid is too tired, as a mother, she just wants to find a suitable person to share the burden for him.

Beicheng still has a long life, but he doesn't have much time to watch it carefully.

Therefore, even if Wan Qing did something wrong, as long as she wasn't out of her mind, I was willing to find a way to forgive her.

It is inevitable that a person will make wrong decisions in his life, as long as the misunderstandings are cleared up, and such mistakes will not be repeated in the future.

Yu Wanqing bit her lip tightly, tried for a while before wiping away her tears, pulled the chair a little farther and sat down.

No matter how nice the old woman's words were, Yu Wanqing still felt her liking for her, and it was different.

The person she has always loved the most is her son, how could Yu Wanqing not know?
Now that there is one more Xia Yinian, how can she have her own place in the old woman's heart?
"Mom, do you still remember the night when you gave Ling Qian and Niannian medicine?" Yu Wanqing whispered, choking on her sobs.

(End of this chapter)

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