My husband is the best in the world

After Chapter 1081, try not to stimulate her

After Chapter 1081, try not to stimulate her
On the way to send the old lady to the treatment room, as long as they were in the Gu's family, they basically rushed over.

Yesterday was the day when Gu Beicheng and Yu Wanqing got engaged, the old lady was so happy, she looked a few years younger all of a sudden.

No one expected that she would fall down suddenly, and she fell down while Feng Zhu's energy and blood were attacking her heart.

Soon, the old man, accompanied by the housekeeper, came to the door of the treatment room.

The people inside were rescuing, while the people outside were fidgeting anxiously.

"What's going on? Your mother...Lao Qi!" The old man gritted his teeth and stared at the silent man who stood up in front of the emergency room door.

However, no matter what the old man asked, Gu Beicheng still stood there like ice.

Apart from giving people a steady stream of cold breath, he has nothing else.

"Dad, Beicheng is in a bad mood, let's talk about it when Mom comes out." Yu Wanqing leaned on her mother Cheng Siwei, and her voice was weak and hoarse.

She struggled a lot yesterday, and her face was already pale.

The old lady was frightened just now, but Yu Wanqing would not fall down, she is already a strong existence in the eyes of many people.

The old man took a look at Yu Wanqing, sighed softly, and finally took care of her face for the time being.

The members of Yu's family had no intention of leaving last night, let alone because of Yu Wanqing being drugged, it was even more impossible for them to leave.

Seeing his granddaughter so tossed about on the night of the engagement, the face of the old man of the Yu family has long since looked bad.

Being engaged means being able to share the same room, but when Gu Beicheng got angry, he didn't even look at his granddaughter, and the old man of the Yu family almost exploded with anger.

However, even old man Gu couldn't get into Fengzhu's ghostly place, and he could only watch his granddaughter suffer.

Yu Yueao put on a stinky face, and Gu Qingyang couldn't do without showing face.

Even the old man can't ask why, and the others won't say anything more, everything will be discussed after the old lady wakes up.

When Gu Lingqian arrived, there was complete silence outside the treatment room.

He came to the door of the emergency room, and guarded the door with Gu Beicheng on the left and right.

After about an hour of rescue, the door of the rescue room was finally pushed open by someone inside, and Dr. Yang stepped out.

"How's Mom doing?" Gu Beicheng asked in a deep voice.

"The old lady's life is not in danger, but what are the aftereffects of the qi and blood attack this time, we won't know until she wakes up."

"In the future, try not to irritate her anymore, otherwise..." Dr. Yang didn't say any more.

Of course, everyone knows that the old lady's health is not good. If there is another time, maybe she will just fall down and never wake up.

Almost no one here wants to see such a result.

The old lady has always loved her children and grandchildren very much. It can be said that her children and grandchildren like this old man very much, and no one wants anything to happen to her.

Song Yiyi and two nurses pushed the old lady out of the emergency room, and the people outside immediately fell silent.

"Send her back to the main house, and I will watch her in person." The old man's cold voice sounded.

His attitude seemed to be accusing Gu Beicheng of something.

"Yes, old man." Song Yiyi nodded.

With the help of a few servants, the old lady's bed slowly left without any jolts.

The old man hadn't spoken yet, except for Gu Lingqian who left with the old lady, everyone else stayed behind, and Gu Beicheng was no exception.

(End of this chapter)

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