My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 1083 This is slander

Chapter 1083 This is slander
With the old man as a shield, Yu Wanqing finally felt at ease.

She no longer cared that Beicheng hated her, no matter what method she used, she must get rid of Xia Yinian first.

Men are animals that think with their lower body. As long as there is no Xia Yinian, Yu Wanqing knows that she still has a chance.

"We were in Fengzhu, and we saw Niannian, she... was having breakfast with Beicheng, and the two of them got along very... happily."

"Mom must have felt uncomfortable seeing this scene." Yu Wanqing pursed her lips.

"Before there were rumors that Niannian married her nephew and seduced my uncle. Mom also heard a lot."

"She will always be unhappy about this matter, but she doesn't talk about it usually, because she is worried..." Yu Wanqing glanced at Gu Lingqian cautiously.

"She was worried that Ling Qian would be unhappy, so... she didn't dare to speak out, and only complained to me occasionally."

"Miss Qing, you should know that this is slander." Gu Lingqian interrupted in a deep voice.

The old man glanced at Gu Lingqian and frowned.

He didn't believe that Ling Qian didn't know about this matter, did he really fall in love with Xia Yinian, so he was willing to deceive himself?
Yu Wanqing acted very fragile, Gu Lingqian's words alone scared her to the point of crying again.

"But, what people outside said is very true, and I've seen that photo, it's not fake at all." She lowered her head and said softly.

"Miss Qing, you were the one who forged the microblog that slandered Niannian, even the navy bought a lot of it, you haven't forgotten about it, have you?"

Gu Lingqian's voice was neither soft nor heavy, and it was no different from his usual gentleness, but everyone knew that he was angry.

No matter what happens outside, he seldom gets angry at home, so more than half of Yu Wanqing's current fear is real.

"I haven't." Yu Wanqing retorted immediately.

Gu Lingqian raised his eyebrows slightly, but didn't pay attention to her words.

"Feimo has already investigated this matter. If it wasn't for your Yu Wanqing, I think you would have received the court summons long ago."

Yu Wanqing was startled by Gu Lingqian's gaze, unable to utter a word.

She froze for a moment, then cast her gaze on the old man, seeking shelter.

"Even if Wan Qing does receive a subpoena from the court, she will not be prosecuted. I believe she will not do such a thing." The old man looked at Gu Lingqian.

"Ling Qian, Grandpa knows that Nian Nian is your fiancée, you don't want to hear any bad things about her, but some things are not groundless."

"Perhaps, Niannian approached you for a purpose, she just hasn't started to act yet."

"When Yingqi gets better, I will announce the cancellation of your engagement with Niannian."

"Grandpa knew that I didn't like to hear it, so he said a lot." Gu Lingqian met his gaze with a stubborn look.

"I'm quite old, and I don't need to bother Grandpa with many things."

"If there is a day when the engagement between me and Nian Nian is cancelled, I hope that it is only my decision and that of Nian Nian, and has nothing to do with other people."

If the uncle can really make Nian Nian happy, he has no reason not to let go, but this matter is between him and Nian Nian.

The marriage contract between them can only be their own decision, and no one can interfere.

Even the most obedient grandson contradicted him because of that woman, the old man was upset, and of course his face would not be very good.

The only thing he could accept was that Gu Lingqian did not try his best to oppose the dissolution of the engagement.

(End of this chapter)

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