My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 1090 I will let Shengshi Group be buried with me

Chapter 1090 I will let Shengshi Group be buried with me

"Misunderstanding? Did Ling Qian think Grandpa didn't see it? However, Grandpa really doesn't understand, why are you still protecting that woman?"

The old man was very angry, after all, he had high expectations for Gu Lingqian.

In terms of ability, Gu Lingqian is inferior to Gu Beicheng, but what he needs now is a capable and obedient grandson like him.

This kid Gu Beicheng has long been out of his control, and he can't help it no matter how regretful he is.

"Because she is the girl I want to protect." Gu Lingqian sighed softly.

"Because of this, you even know that she is your uncle's woman, and you are willing to get engaged to her?" The old man really hates that iron is weak.

This is incest!If Wan Qing hadn't told him, he wouldn't have known the seriousness of the matter.

No wonder Ying Qi was so angry, he felt distressed looking at it.

Just because of a woman, what is the relationship between the two good uncles and nephews now?

"Don't think that I can't do anything if I send her away. This kind of woman shouldn't exist in the first place."

The old man gritted his teeth tightly, wishing he could deal with that girl right away.


"you dare?"

Two different voices sounded at the same time, Gu Lingqian's in front, and Gu Beicheng's behind.

Gu Beicheng's voice was not loud, but it made one's scalp tingle.

"Old Seven." Gu Haofeng unconsciously reminded.

"Do you think I dare? Don't forget, this is your mother." The old man glared at Gu Beicheng fiercely.

"If you dare to touch her, I will let Shengshi Group be buried with her." Gu Beicheng's voice fell, and the whole room seemed to shake.

"Stinky boy, what did you say? Say it again!" The old man stomped his feet angrily.

"You'd better not doubt my words!" After leaving a sentence, Gu Beicheng turned and left, slamming the door hard.

Yu Wanqing who was sitting on the bed couldn't react at all.

Is Beicheng serious?He actually threatened the old man with Shengshi Group, is Xia Yinian really that important to him?
The more he thought about it, the more angry the old man became, he sat down on the bed directly.

"Dad, your body is important." Gu Haofeng took a deep breath and finally recovered from the shock just now.

"This kid, it's really reversed, one or two are like this, do you think I'm dead?" The old man said in a deep voice.

He had to admit that he was really powerless in front of his youngest son.

"Grandpa, don't be angry! In fact, things are really not as you imagined." Gu Lingqian closed his eyes, turned around, went out and opened the door.

No matter how reluctant he is, this engagement will be canceled sooner or later. For the sake of Nian Nian, he really can't procrastinate any longer.

Taking a contract from Nanshen, Gu Lingqian turned and returned to the old man.

"Actually, the engagement between Niannian and I was a deal. I forced her to sign the contract. Grandpa, please read it."

Gu Lingqian handed over the contract in his hand to the old man with a respectful face.

"I never cared about marrying a wife, as you know, until Nian Nian appeared."

"In order to make grandma happy, I came up with this method to lock Niannian by my side, but I didn't expect that my uncle had already taken a fancy to her at that time."

"Actually, there is nothing between me and Niannian, all the actions I have been doing all this time are to show my grandma."

"Even our engagement was forced by you. Grandpa should be aware of this. Nian Nian didn't agree to it at the time."

"So there is no such thing as Nian Nian marrying a nephew and seducing my uncle."

(End of this chapter)

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