My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 1715 Do you still want to take care of the Gu family?

Chapter 1715 Do you still want to take care of the Gu family?
Even though Qi Ye's voice was cold, the girl in his arms didn't feel cold at all.

Feng Yinian raised his head slightly, looking at the man's resolute chin.

"The game has just started, and you are so eager to see me?" the voice of Ji Ji sounded.

"What kind of hero is it to attack old people and women!" Gu Beicheng snorted coldly.

Seeing his father lying on the ground, it was impossible for him not to be worried.

But now, he really didn't dare to mess around. There was still a baby in his arms, and a little baby.

"Hehe... Qiye wants to tell me a hero? Do you want to ask your dad how he raped Xiaoyan back then?"

"Xiaoyan was only 19 years old back then, and your father was this beast!" The man's indifferent and bloodthirsty voice spread throughout the valley.

Qiu Yan didn't seem to take that man's words to heart, looking at the man who stood up from the sandy ground with his hands on his shoulders, her eyes glowed a rare redness.

Back then, he was also drugged. This was his explanation to her later, but she never took it seriously and never meant to forgive him.

Gu Qingyang stood up from the ground, and his eyes fell on Qiu Yan who just ran out from inside.

Hearing what the man said, Gu Qingyang coughed lightly, and said lightly, "I'm sorry!"

I'm sorry, Qiu Yan has been waiting for more than 20 years.

Although he explained back then, the words he said were cold, unlike now, and he never said any words of apology.

However, who would have heard any explanatory words from Gu Qingyang, who was all-powerful at the time?The answer can be said to be zero.

Suddenly, with a "bang", Gu Qingyang was shot in the right shoulder.

His hands hung down, although he didn't fall down, he took a few steps back.

Gu Beicheng's strength in holding Feng Yinian was increasing, but he still looked around from time to time, as if he was looking for something.

Feng Yinian was hugged and couldn't see the situation outside, so she could probably guess it.

If this continues, the old man will definitely die.

It turned out that the person that the man said Auntie Qiu disliked the most was the old man.

That's right, it's not difficult for a man of status and status like the old man to play with a girl.

But what will happen to the fate of those girls who are played with, has he never thought about this issue?

However, the appearance of the old man was really beyond Feng Yinian's expectations.

The man arrested her, and it was not difficult to blackmail Beicheng, but unexpectedly, the old man also came.

Moreover, he knows that it is not easy for him to leave, doesn't he?
"Why did you come?" Qiu Yan, who had been silent all this time, asked coldly.

"The debts I owed myself cannot be repaid by them." Gu Qingyang responded in a deep voice.

"Let them go, just let me stay!" Responding to Qiu Yan's words, Gu Qingyang raised his eyes and glanced at the cliff.

When his eyes made brief contact with Gu Beicheng, he shook his head lightly.

Gu Beicheng pursed his lips, and his eyes instantly became ferocious.

Suddenly, he turned his eyes and looked in the opposite direction from the sound.

The person hiding in the cave was startled suddenly, feeling like he was being seen through.

"You have used me to help you for so many years, do you still want to take care of the Gu family's affairs?" Gu Beicheng sneered.

The man didn't speak, and the mountain stream was quiet.

Feng Yinian frowned, completely not understanding what his man meant.

Gu Qingyang frowned, no one knew if he could understand.

(End of this chapter)

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