My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 801 For Her Injury 1

Chapter 801 For Her Injury 1
Xia Yinian, who returned to her room, stood on the balcony, just in time to see the villa where Yu Wanqing was.

From her balcony, you can also see the window of Yu Wanqing's room.

Except for a little light, she couldn't see anything inside.

Xia Yinian stood there for an hour.

The lights over there were still on, but she didn't know what was going on inside.

Sighing lightly, Xia Yinian dialed Chi He's number.

"Hello, Chi He."

"Miss Niannian, what's the matter?" Chi He's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"I want to ask about Yu Wanqing's situation." Xia Yinian asked softly.

"Miss Qing's injuries are not serious, but she's mentally ill. Master Qi is with her now." Chi He responded.

"It's fine if it's not serious. I'm sorry to trouble you, Chi He." Before Chi He could speak, Xia Yinian turned off the phone.

Chi He also wanted to say that Master Qi just felt that he owed Yu Wanqing, even though they were in the same room, nothing would happen.

The relationship between Miss Niannian and Master Qi finally got better, he was worried that she might misunderstand.

But before the words came out, the call was cut off.

But Xia Yinian breathed a sigh of relief after knowing that Yu Wanqing was fine, turned around and walked into the room, why would he think so much?


Xia Yinian couldn't sleep well all night, and his mind was on the other side.

Early the next morning, after she woke up, she walked to the villa on the other side as soon as possible.

Although I can't help much, I want to go and have a look.

As soon as Xia Yinian walked into the lobby of the villa, it seemed that something was wrong.

Several servants stood in the corridor, and even the doctors and nurses stood outside the door, looking anxious.

"What happened?" Xia Yinian looked at a servant and asked in a low voice.

"Miss Qing, she doesn't want others to enter her room. We have already changed a group of people, but we still can't go in to serve her."

"Even the doctors and nurses can't get close, she's now..."

Before the maid finished speaking, the people inside screamed again.

The voice sounded a little weak, and even more sad.

"Where's Master Qi? Wasn't he still there yesterday?" Xia Yinian's voice was very low, not wanting the people inside to hear it.

"Qi Ye stayed with Miss Qing for a while last night, and then left." The maid continued.

"Miss Qing woke up and found that Master Qi was not there. She couldn't stabilize her mood. It has been like this for nearly an hour now."

"However, Qi Ye didn't explain it, so everyone didn't dare to call to disturb him."

Hearing the hoarse cry inside, Xia Yinian felt uncomfortable.

She nodded, passed several servants, and came to the doctor.

"Doctor, judging from the patient's condition, what treatment is there today?"

Xia Yinian didn't come over yesterday, and she didn't know the specific situation of Yu Wanqing.

"Miss Niannian, what Miss Qing is most pessimistic about is the mental aspect. After the other injuries are treated, there won't be any major problems."

"It's just that Master Qi is not here, and we are afraid that there is nothing we can do. If Master Qi was not there last night, Miss Qing would not even let us deal with the wound."

"If this torment continues, the knife wound on her body may be torn again." The doctor held the medicine box, and his face was not very good-looking.

"I need to apply medicine to her trauma, and do I have to drip it?" Xia Yinian glanced at the things on the car.

"Yeah." The doctor nodded lightly, there was really nothing he could do.

(End of this chapter)

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