My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 819 For Her Injury 19

Chapter 819 For Her Injury 19
Today's harvest is good, and there are many smiles on the girl's face.

If every day can be like today, she will probably need three days to try all the unique secret recipes passed down to her by her grandfather.

Thinking of today's breakthrough, the girl is really in an unusually good mood.

However, her smile stopped the moment she opened the door.

Seeing the people outside the door clearly, Xia Yinian didn't say a word, and instinctively closed the door forcefully.

She hadn't seen this man for two or three days, so she thought he wasn't in Feng's house.

At this moment, when Feng Yifan came to look for him, Xia Yinian was really worried.

Grandpa was not there, and Third Young Master didn't know if he was back. She was the only one in the refining room, and she instinctively didn't want him to enter.

It's a pity that her strength is far inferior to the tall Feng Yifan.

"Tsk tsk... What's the matter? Can't I walk around in my own house?"

Feng Yifan pushed with his long arm, no matter how hard Xia Yinian tried, it would not help.

Seeing that she couldn't push the door, she had no choice but to give up.

That's right, this is the Feng family, he is the young master of the Feng family, and she has no reason not to let people in.

"It turned out to be you, sorry! I didn't see clearly." After leaving a word, Xia Yinian turned around and walked inside.

Unexpectedly, just after he took a few steps, the door was slammed shut.

Xia Yinian took a deep breath, trying to stabilize his breath.

"Didn't see clearly? I thought you didn't want to see me." A man's voice sounded behind her.

"How come?" Xia Yinian pursed her lips and returned to her work place.

When Feng Yifan didn't see it, she immediately put the phone back into the pocket of her dress.

Even though this is the Feng family, she has to guard against this lunatic.

"So, Nian Nian really wants to see me?"

Feng Yifan's voice rang in his ears, Xia Yinian immediately moved a few steps aside.

Turning around to look at this hateful man, she snorted coldly: "Master Yifan, since I am a guest of the Feng family, please show some respect."

"Where did I disrespect?" Feng Yi raised his eyebrows, "Grandpa said that you are also his granddaughter."

"Since sister Chuxue can make a pair with A Yan, how about I make a pair with sister Niannian, what do you think?"

The last time he didn't ask for such a small body, his body protested for so long, and if there was a chance, Feng Yifan would of course want to satisfy himself.

In his heart, women are divided into two types, one is useful, and the other is able to meet his needs.

However, the girl in front of her just happened to meet both requirements.

Xia Yinian gave Feng Yifan a hard look, his breath was even colder than before.

"I have a fiancé, so it's definitely impossible to be with Master Yifan."

"And I'm already someone else's woman, so does Master Yi Fan like to play with someone else's?"

With her hand in the bag, she was searching for a phone number.

When encountering danger, the first person Xia Yinian thought of was Gu Beicheng, but, thinking about Feng Yan's words, she stopped calling.

With grandpa's current situation, the matter of Feng Yifan really cannot be known by my uncle.

But, unexpectedly, her hesitation prevented her from making this call.

"I don't care about these at all." Feng Yifan curled his lips slightly, and he had already come in front of Xia Yinian.

Seeing the movement of her little hands, he immediately frowned thickly.

"What is the little hand doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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