My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 821 You Can't Escape 1

Chapter 821 You Can't Escape 1
He said he wasn't afraid of this man, but Feng Yifan didn't deny it, now was not the time to provoke him.

"Don't come over, I'll jump if you come over." Xia Yinian glanced at Feng Yifan, and continued to look down.

It is unlikely that Feng Yifan will let him go, if it is really impossible, he can only jump.

Although he was not completely sure in his heart, Xia Yinian was basically sure that he would not die from this jump.

Even if she hurt her muscles and bones, she couldn't let this lunatic succeed.

"So I just wanted to scare people, I thought you really dared to jump." Feng Yifan slightly curled his lips.

Thinking of Xia Chuxue's coquettish appearance, he never believed that Xia Yinian jumped off the building in order to maintain her innocence.

This is the third floor, so he concluded that she dared not.

After seeing clearly the situation from the third floor to the first floor, Xia Yinian seemed to see the picture of his uncle climbing down.

It turned out to be like this, if every step can be implemented, she should be able to do it too.

"Jump, don't you want to dance?"

When Feng Yifan's voice sounded again, Xia Yinian suddenly let go of his grip on the railing.

Seeing the girl in front of him disappear in front of him, Feng Yifan stopped moving forward.

Before Feng Yan and Qi Ye fell out, he didn't want to make things big.

What's more, grandpa hasn't come back yet.

Just concentrating, Feng Yifan didn't even take a look at the situation, and immediately turned and left the pharmacy.

The body fell instantly, Xia Yinian was not afraid.

But rationality told her that as long as she made a wrong step, she might not have the chance to participate in the medicine refining competition.

In the face of life and death, Xia Yinian was still thinking about this matter.

This also shows that refining medicine is even more important than her life.

Looking at the small body sliding down in the distance, the person in night clothes approached very quickly.

Is this girl looking for death?After talking to her about some theory, she actually put it into action.

Thinking of the other figure on the balcony just now, Gu Beicheng's gaze was like a torch.

Xia Yinian came to the balcony on the second floor unharmed, but he didn't expect that he would lose his hand at such a critical moment.

"Ah!" The girl screamed, using her hands and feet to find something to stabilize her body.

Although she had already reached the second floor, there was still at least five meters of height left. Did she just fall down like this?
At a critical moment, Xia Yinian thought of a movement her master taught her.

Knowing that there was no chance to grab other things to stabilize her body, she bent her legs and held her head with her hands.

This action can reduce the chance of injury a little, and there is a grassy field below, and she can only fight now.

With a "snap", there was no pain in the body as imagined.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Yinian slowly opened his eyes.

When she met the man's gaze, she almost couldn't help screaming.

Scream not out of fear, but out of joy.

Master?How could he appear so timely?In his arms, she really felt safe.

Before Xia Yinian could speak, Gu Beicheng hugged her and walked towards the back mountain.

He originally wanted to come and teach her a little self-defense, but he didn't expect to meet this scene.

Feng Yifan was still in his mind, and the chill on his body was still heavy.

Xia Yinian knew that it wasn't that Master took an unusual path, he just wanted to avoid the cameras of the Feng family, so this path was not easy.

If she hadn't been hugged by him, she really didn't know that there was such a way to leave Feng's house and go to the back mountain, which could completely avoid the camera.

(End of this chapter)

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