My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 829 You Can't Escape 9

Chapter 829 You Can't Escape 9
Originally, she could still judge from the smell, but it's a pity that my uncle just took a shower.

Xia Yinian was helpless enough, not to mention that he didn't make any breakthrough discoveries, and even angered the tiger.

He is crazy, what should we do?
"Uncle! Let go! Let go of me first!" Xia Yinian pushed against Gu Beicheng's body.

The man left some, but his breathing was heavy, and his body might erupt at any time.

"Uncomfortable." Gu Beicheng's voice was hoarse, and even the color of his eyes became different.

Facing the man's scarlet gaze, Xia Yinian bit her lips, and said in a low voice, "You... calm down first, let's go to have supper, shall we?"

"Not good!" The man's breath almost scalded the girl's skin.

" uncle wants to..." Xia Yinian bit her lip, not knowing what to say.

Ask him what he wants to do?Do I still need to ask at this time?
He was obviously a man like a beast, but he suddenly felt a little bit of pity.

Xia Yinian took a deep breath and exhaled carefully.

Biting her lips again, she said softly, " you, okay?"

The girl's words made the man's confused eyes finally regain a little luster.

He nodded vigorously, hugged her again, and walked towards the bed.

Xia Yinian didn't know if he could do it, but he had done so much for himself, and he was able to stop at the impulsive moment just now.

She was grateful in her heart, but she didn't know how to express these words.

Maybe, she can do it.

After going to bed, Xia Yinian felt that she was thinking too much. With his guidance, there were only things she didn't want to do, and there was nothing she didn't understand.

After waiting outside the room for more than an hour, and Miss Niannian hadn't come out, Chi He could finally go to sleep with peace of mind.

Master Qi should succeed, right?When Chi He turned around, he also let out a deep breath.

Over the years, there have been so many women who have seduced Qi Ye that he couldn't even count for a day, but he didn't expect that Qi Ye only fell in love with Miss Nian Nian.

What's even more surprising is that Miss Niannian is different from ordinary women, it's not that easy to get her, and Qi Ye has really suffered during this period.

This night, the man had a very comfortable life, but he just wronged a certain girl.


For two days in a row, Xia Yinian lived in his own world.

The uncle asked her to stay in the villa over the refining room, so don't leave casually.

Even the room, he helped her prepare it next to the medicine refining room.

After two days, not only did Yu Wanqing not let anyone come over to harass her, even Feng Yifan and Xia Chuxue who came back from the hospital did not appear in front of her.

Except for the housekeeper who was in charge of managing the Feng family pharmacy, there were two other maids, Xia Yinian had never seen anyone else.

She was also relieved that her uncle was doing things, and her grandfather would be back tomorrow, so she no longer worried that Feng Yifan would mess around.

In a blink of an eye, when the sun was setting again, there was a knock on the door of the refining room.

"Miss Niannian, I brought dinner over."

Xia Yinian could recognize the maid's voice.

"Okay, wait a minute." Xia Yinian said softly.

She opened the door in the past, and the maid looked at the person in front of her with the dinner.

"Miss Nian Nian."

"Come in." Xia Yinian beckoned, turned around and stepped in first, "Xiaorou, I've troubled you for the past two days."

"Miss Niannian, you're welcome." Xiaorou walked in.

"No wonder the third young master doesn't let Miss Niannian go out, it's really not safe outside during this time."

(End of this chapter)

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