My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 840 You Can't Escape 20

Chapter 840 You Can't Escape 20
Smelling the disgusting smell, she frowned and almost stopped in her tracks.

It's still the same taste, but why does it seem that there is another taste in the middle?
Also, the smell is a bit familiar.

Xia Yinian closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then slowly opened them.

It is undeniable that she has been a little oversensitive to smells during this time.

The smell of the bad guy's place doesn't have much to do with her. I just accompany my grandfather for a walk, so I shouldn't think too much about it.

When he came to Feng Yifan, Xia Yinian's expression had recovered.

"Grandpa." Feng Yifan called softly.

"Why are you still in bed at this time?" The old man didn't have a good face, who let this kid bully him.

"I sprained my leg two days ago, and I have to stay in bed for a few days." Feng Yifan responded casually, and his eyes fell on Xia Yinian.

"Nian Nian, knowing that brother Yifan was injured, did you come to visit me on purpose? You are too considerate."

Xia Yinian glanced at Feng Yifan, then looked away.

I always felt that something was wrong, but I couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Brat, are you trying to bully Niannian again? Didn't I warn you..." The old man snorted coldly, and didn't say any more.

It was to protect Nian Nian before, but now that Nian Nian is likely to be his granddaughter, the matter is not as simple as protection.

They are brother and sister, how can they do such a thing?

"Grandpa, you promise not to be angry." Xia Yinian leaned forward and whispered in the old man's ear.

"Grandpa, don't always think that I'm bullying Nian Nian, many people like a good girl like Nian Nian." Feng Yifan's voice sounded again.

"Don't you also like Niannian to stay by your side? Since it is impossible for A Yan and her, if I marry Niannian, she can still be by your side all the time."

Feng Yifan, a cheap man, was pressing one and thinking about the other.

Could it be that the last time he came to look for him "in a rage", he couldn't get any benefit from Xia Yinian?

Thinking of this possibility, Xia Chuxue almost vomited blood.

She felt very uncomfortable, but she could only obediently be suppressed by him.

"Boy, it's impossible for you and Nian Nian! You..." The old man was so angry that he coughed lightly at Feng Yifan's words.

He wanted to make things clear, but even if it was true, he didn't intend to make it public now.

What conspiracy is behind this, no one knows for the time being, he dare not be careless!

"Grandpa." Xia Yinian called out, and anxiously stroked his back, "Grandpa, take a deep breath, come on, take a deep breath."

Knowing that he scared the little girl, the old man tried his best to calm himself down.

"Grandpa, why is it impossible for me and Nian Nian?" Compared with Xia Yi Nian, Feng Yifan was not that nervous.

This brat was always thinking how to get angry with himself, Feng Heng took a look at him, and soon calmed down.

After a few days of deep mountain treatment, the effect is still good.

"Nian Nian is already engaged to Ling Qian, how many times do I need to repeat this?"

The old man glanced at the person on the bed, then looked back at Xia Yinian.

"Nian Nian, you go out for a while, Grandpa has something to say to this brat."

Xia Yinian was a little worried, but she knew that her grandfather came here to find Feng Yifan, so she could only let it go.

"Well, then grandpa promised me to speak well."

"Okay, Grandpa agrees." Feng Heng turned around and patted the back of her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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