Chapter 846
In the past few days, the only thing that worried Yu Wanqing was the few men who were imprisoned in the back mountain.

She had already found out about Beicheng's way of doing things during this period of time. Aren't all the killers he caught sent to the police station?
Unexpectedly, after this incident, not only did he send himself to the Feng family, but even those men were brought in.

This guy Yu Xuran kept saying to find a way, but he didn't get anything done after going out for a few days.

Seeing her man's complexion so bad, Yu Wanqing was really worried.

"Miss Qing, you'll know when you open it, so why ask more?" Chi He reminded.

Yu Wanqing glanced at him, and her eyes fell on Gu Beicheng again.

"Beicheng, you know that's not what I want. My request is not high. As long as you come back to have a meal with me every day, even if it's only 15 minutes, I will be satisfied."

"Did Miss Qing think it was money?" Chi He's voice sounded again, "When Miss Qing did such a thing, didn't she think about the consequences?"

"It's really embarrassing for Miss Qing to ask someone to kidnap me and stage a bitter trick."

"Chi He, what are you talking about? Why did you ask someone to kidnap you? What kind of trickery?" Yu Wanqing stared at the man beside him.

"Miss Qing, do you still want to insult Qiye's IQ? If he hadn't been free for a while, do you think you can live in Feng's house for so long?" Chi He was very disdainful.

"Beicheng, what's going on? Is what Chi He said true?" Yu Wanqing picked up the file bag nervously, and took out the contents.

Looking at the photo above, she frowned, with a completely unexpected expression.

"Xu Ran, come in!" Yu Wanqing looked at the door, and a deep voice sounded.

"Miss." Yu Xuran appeared in front of everyone within a few seconds.

"What's going on here?" Yu Wanqing vigorously swept the photos and documents in her hand towards Yu Xuran.

Due to excessive force, her brows were wrinkled again.

Yu Xuran looked down at the things on the ground, without any expression of admitting his mistake.

"Yes, this is a kidnapping case I planned."

"Xu Ran, what do you mean?" Yu Wanqing's eyes widened, she couldn't believe what she heard.

"Miss, I'm sorry!" Yu Xuran knelt down on the ground, "I'm not reconciled to seeing Master Qi take advantage of you."

"You have waited for Qi Ye for so many years, but he actually..."

With a "slap", Yu Wanqing leaned on crutches and slapped the man kneeling on the ground.

"Did I make you talk nonsense?" The woman snorted coldly, "Get out! I don't want to see you again."

Yu Xuran stood up, and a deep voice sounded.

"Xu Ran's life was saved by Miss, unless you beat me to death, otherwise I will never leave in my life."

After leaving a word, Yu Xuran turned and walked out.

Yu Wanqing took a few deep breaths before returning to her seat and sitting down.

"Beicheng, you can pretend that what happened these few days didn't happen, but my cooperation will continue."

"I have put so much thought into the project of clearing the boundary, it is impossible to give up now."

"Okay." Gu Beicheng threw out the only word that came today, and stood up.

Seeing his leaving figure, Yu Wanqing was so angry that she could barely breathe.

Fortunately, there was a last resort. Regardless of whether Beicheng believed it or not, at least the situation was stabilized.

As long as there is a chance, she can't give up.

(End of this chapter)

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