My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 854 Tears blurred the eyes

Chapter 854 Tears blurred the eyes

"Chuxue, what's the matter?" The old man turned his head to meet Xia Chuxue's eyes.

Xia Chuxue half hooked her lips and clenched her teeth.

"Is it the paternity test between you and Xia Yinian? I watched you pluck her hair that day."

"It's a pity, I, Feng Chuxue, can only take the position of Miss Feng's family. You go first, and I will send Xia Yinian to find you soon."

As soon as the words were finished, Xia Chuxue snatched back the document from the old man's hand, and with a hard push, pushed the old man and the wheelchair into the deep pool.

Everything happened so suddenly that there was no time for the old man to think.

He didn't even have time to call for help, he had already sunk into the deep pool.

No!Don't hurt his thoughts!Can't!
He couldn't just die like this, if he didn't protect Nian Nian well, how could he have the face to meet Jing Chu and A Sui?

He can't die!Be sure to live and watch Nian Nian be happy.

The more the old man struggled, the faster he sank.

Seeing the old man completely submerged in the water with her own eyes, Xia Chuxue took the document and went back on the route she had set long ago.

Xia Yinian, who had no idea what happened, was still picking jasmine flowers in the jasmine forest.

For about three or four minutes, she poked her head out among the jasmine flowers, trying to surprise grandpa.

Unexpectedly, grandpa was not in his original position.

With a sudden pain in her heart, she came out of the forest with the jasmine flower in her arms.

Looking around, Xia Yinian couldn't find the old man at all.

"Grandpa, where are you? Grandpa, grandpa..."

Xia Yinian ran forward for a while, and suddenly found that the water in the pool beside the small bridge was strange.

The water in the pool is very deep and usually clear, but now there is a large area of ​​abnormality.

Seeing the people inside, she let go of the skirt in surprise, and the full jasmine flowers fell to the ground.

"Help, help! Grandpa fell into the pond, help! Come on! Help!" After exclaiming, Xia Yinian jumped into the pond.

He only thought that there must be something wrong with his grandfather, Xia Yinian had already forgotten that he was a landlubber at all.

Grandpa, what's the matter with you?Grandpa, don't scare Niannian!
The nearby bodyguard heard the call and approached at a high speed.

When Feng Yan rushed over, the old man was just being carried up from the pond.

"Grandpa, how are you doing, grandpa? Don't scare me! Grandpa, open your eyes and have a look, I'm Nian Nian, grandpa..."

Xia Yinian, who was drenched all over, crawled to the old man's side like a lunatic, and grabbed his arm.

Looking at everything in front of him, Feng Yan's face also instantly darkened.

"Call an ambulance, hurry!"

Before Feng Yan finished speaking, he had already come to the old man.

Xia Yinian was pushed away by his cold air and fell directly to the ground.

"The ambulance has arrived at the gate of Feng's house." Before Tian Xingren arrived, the voice came over.

Xia Yinian fell to the side, not knowing whether it was sweat, pool water, or sweat on his face.

She touched Grandpa's body just now, and his heartbeat stopped, really gone.

Seeing the old man being carried into the ambulance, Xia Yinian's vision became more and more blurred.

How did it become like this, wasn't grandpa still fine just now?
His body has been getting better and better during this time, how could he fall into the pond for no reason?
Thinking of the old man standing up in the wheelchair without fear of difficulties, thinking of him saying that he wanted to hold my hand at her wedding, thinking of the smile on his face...

Xia Yinian's eyes were blurred by tears.

(End of this chapter)

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