Chapter 857 Seventh Master Takes Care Of His Juniors
Outside the monitoring room, Feng Yan had been sitting there for several hours.

Xia Chuxue sat beside him, the tears on her face were wet and dry.

Mr. Feng Ding and his wife Wei Jieshan sat on the chair closest to the gate.

At this time, even Feng Yifan came over, as well as his two younger sisters, Feng Ruyun and Feng Rushuang.

"Ayan, do you want to inform your eldest brother and second brother to come back?" Feng Ding raised his eyes to look at Feng Yan, and sighed softly.

"The matter of elder brother going abroad again is very important, and it is impossible for second brother to contact him for the time being." Feng Yan responded lightly.

Feng Ding didn't say anything, and the monitoring room became quiet again.

When Xia Yinian was supported by Gu Beicheng, the two sisters Feng Ruyun and Feng Rushuang stood up unconsciously.

"Master Qi." The two sisters shouted in unison.

"Qiye." Xia Chuxue also stood up, and a hoarse voice sounded.

Feng Yifan was the same as usual, with an attitude of having nothing to do with himself.

Feng Ding looked at the people who came over, and nodded, as a greeting.

Wei Jieshan stood up and stepped forward to meet her.

"Qi Ye, how is Nian Nian?"

"Auntie, I'm fine. I want to come and see Grandpa Feng." Xia Yinian whispered.

Although she has lived in Feng's house for so long, there are not many people in Mr. Er's house.

Mr. Er has a villa in the Feng family's mansion, as well as outside, Xia Yinian doesn't know whether they have come back or not.

Only Feng Yifan appeared a little more often. She didn't know how this family got along, and didn't pay much attention to it.

"Old man...he hasn't woken up yet." Wei Jieshan stepped aside.

Gu Beicheng didn't look at anyone, and helped Xia Yinian to the outside of the large glass window of the intensive care unit.

Looking at the old man with instruments all over his body inside, Xia Yinian bit his thin lips tightly, but did not cry.

After leaving here, she can cry as much as she wants, but not in front of grandpa.

It is unlucky to cry beside a patient, so she must not cry.

Xia Yinian has been standing in front of the window, and Gu Beicheng is with her, without any expression of impatience.

After a while, Xia Yinian looked back at the man beside him.

"Uncle, help me sit there for a while."

Since everyone is waiting here, she doesn't want to leave either.

She is right outside the door, can grandpa feel it?
Seeing the biting red lips, Gu Beicheng nodded lightly, helped the girl to turn around, and walked towards the other side of the gate.

Sitting down on the bench opposite Feng Yan, Xia Yinian pursed her lips, wondering if she should ask some questions by herself.

What is the specific situation of the master now?Uncle is not very clear, she is very anxious.

But now, everyone here is from the Feng family, and she is the only outsider, so what can she ask?
"Sit for a while, I'll be back soon." Gu Beicheng patted Xia Yinian's shoulder lightly.

Although the two had a lot of interactions, neither of them suspected of crossing the line.

Qi Ye takes good care of his younger generation, even the people in Yaocheng know it.

"Yeah." Xia Yinian nodded lightly.

Gu Beicheng nodded and looked back at Feng Yan.

"Chi He, take good care of Nian Nian." After leaving a word, the man who suddenly became indifferent walked away.

Feng Yan stood up, looked into the intensive care unit again, left a word and left.

"Tian Xing, take good care of Grandpa, unless I agree, no one can be allowed to enter the intensive care unit."

(End of this chapter)

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