My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 863 Didn't exclude her

Chapter 863 Didn't exclude her
"Brother Yan, I know you are doing it for the good of grandpa. My adoptive father and mother will understand. I'll just reply a message to them."

"I'll notify them to come when the time is right." Xia Chuxue looked at Feng Yan with a clear face.

Feng Yan didn't look at her at all, his aura hasn't changed at all for more than two days.

Except cold, only colder.

People who knew Feng Yan basically had never seen him like this.

He is usually gentle and gentle, even if he doesn't care about many things, he will not be too indifferent.

This time the old man's accident changed his whole being.

Xia Chuxue pursed her lips, not daring to say anything.

Unexpectedly, not long after she sat down, Xia Yinian walked in from the outside, and there was not even a single person blocking her.

Looking up at the person who came in, Xia Chuxue wanted to be angry, but she didn't dare to speak.

She just walked in, but her family was blocked out, and the difference was too great.

Xia Chuxue knew that without Brother Yan's special order, the bodyguards outside would not be able to let her in.

Xia Yinian is also surnamed Xia, brother Yan, does he really regard her as the young lady of the Feng family?How can this be?

"Third brother, didn't you say to prevent outsiders from entering?" Feng Rushuang stood up and stared at Xia Yinian who walked in.

Xia Yinian stopped in his tracks, and only then did he see clearly what was going on inside.

When she came in just now, no one stopped her. She came in after saying hello to her father. She really didn't know that the Feng family was in a meeting.

No one reminded her, otherwise she wouldn't have come in so rashly.

"Sorry! I didn't know you were having a family meeting. I... went upstairs to see Grandpa, and you guys chatted slowly."

In this villa, seeing so many Feng family members, Xia Yinian felt an invisible pressure.

This is much stronger than when I was in the hospital.

She almost wanted to say, go out and avoid it by herself.

But, I miss Grandpa so much, so I just want to try to see if I can let San Shao let him go.

"Nian Nian, come here." Feng Yan glanced at the girl at the door.

Xia Yinian froze for a moment, but still walked over.

She hadn't had a chance to talk about what happened that day with Young Master San, and she also hoped that her confession could help them a little.

Now that Grandpa's illness has been confirmed, she has no choice but to blame others.

In the past two days in the hospital, under the suggestion of my uncle, she wrote down a lot of formulas, hoping that she could make useful medicine for grandpa.

Xia Yinian didn't go too close, and only got up and down a corner near the gate.

"Third Young Master, that day..."

"Niannian is also from the Feng family. Grandpa and I never excluded her." Feng Yan's deep voice interrupted Xia Yinian's words.

Xia Yinian blinked her eyes, and didn't say any more.

She thought that Young Master San wanted her statement, but she didn't expect to hear such comforting words.

Since leaving Xia's house, she has been like a homeless child.

Only grandpa can make her feel that she still has home and family.

Unexpectedly, even San Shao said so.

She should be able to call this "third brother" more and more smoothly.

Feng Yan's words almost pissed off the woman beside him.

Xia Chuxue still didn't dare to speak, the old man couldn't wake up, but she still didn't sit upright.

It's not difficult to sit in the position of Miss Feng's family. The only difficulty now is how to tie the man next to me together?
(End of this chapter)

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