Chapter 866 alibi

"I've lived in Xia's family since I was a child. If brother Yan hadn't found me, I wouldn't have known that I was an adopted daughter."

"I can't give Grandpa the answer to this question. Later, Grandpa said that he would do a paternity test himself, but I didn't refuse."

Xia Chuxue bit her thin lip, and took out a box from her pocket.

She opened the box and placed it in front of Feng Yan.

"Grandpa said it was grandma's relic. He knew it would be unfair to me to do so, but for the sake of the entire Feng family, he could only do so."

"He said that as long as the results of the appraisal come out and it is confirmed that I am really a member of the Feng family, he will arrange for me to have my name rectified in the next few days."

"Also...he gave it to me. I hope I can bring it on the day I get engaged to Brother Yan."

Everyone looked at Xia Chuxue, including Xia Yinian.

It's normal for grandpa to be cautious, but she never expected that Xia Chuxue would dare to agree to a second paternity test.

Looking at her current appearance, Xia Yinian is sure that the result of the paternity test must be the same as the first time.

But is she really the blood of the Feng family?Xia Yinian still doesn't believe it.

She can become an adopted daughter who is favored by everyone in the Xia family, which is also reasonable.

Xia Chuxue is the best at acting, Xia Yinian is not unaware.

However, the issue of age is clearly there, and Xia Yinian's memories of her childhood can't be wiped out, so how could she not be two years older than herself?
Xia Yinian didn't say anything, she believed in Brother Yan, and even Uncle Rui, and the only person she didn't believe in was Xia Chuxue, so what could she say?
Xia Chuxue looked at Feng Yan without blinking, her thin lips were tightly pressed, tears kept rolling in her eyes.

"Brother Yan, grandpa hasn't woken up yet, so you should take care of grandma's belongings first."

Feng Yan glanced at Xia Chuxue again, looked away, and opened the document in his hand.

After glancing at the contents inside, he closed the document again.

"Where was everyone that day, what were they doing, and any witnesses? Everyone must explain clearly."

Feng Yan glanced around at the people present, and finally his eyes fell on Feng Yifan.

"You go first." He said coldly.

"Feng Yan, do you mean that we are all suspected?" Feng Yifan glanced at him and said disdainfully.

"Anyone without an alibi is suspected." Feng Yan's indifferent voice sounded.

"You!" Feng Yifan's eyes crinkled.

"Yifan, the third brother is all for grandpa, you have to cooperate!" Feng Ding stared at him and said in a deep voice.

Feng Yifan was obviously not happy, but he could only cooperate.

"Didn't grandpa ask me to do some grades for you the day before the accident? I didn't come back until early in the morning. Of course I was still asleep so early the next day."

"I don't have a wife or lover, where can I find witnesses?"

"What's more, grandpa's one billion yuan has not yet been obtained, why should I harm him? Feng Yan, can't you use your brain to think about it?"

"That is to say, when the accident happened, you didn't have an alibi." Feng Yan said coldly.

Turning his gaze, he looked at Feng Ding.

"Second Uncle and Second Aunt, where were they at that time?"

Once Feng Yan's voice sounded, no matter how green Feng Yifan's face was, no one would pay attention to it for the time being.

"I just went out when I received the news of Dad's accident."

"At that time, I rushed to the hospital immediately. Everyone in my yard can testify. Yes, there is surveillance."

Feng Ding's voice was not loud, even if his nephew suspected him, he was not angry.

(End of this chapter)

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