Chapter 875

Xia Yinian didn't go to where Xia's house was located, but just randomly found an inconspicuous corner and sat down.

If Xia Chuxue needed to show up by herself, no matter where she was hiding, she would still find her.

It would be better if she didn't need to show up by herself, Xia Yinian was also happy and quiet.

Not long after Xia Yinian sat down, the atmosphere in the audience suddenly rose.

She is quite familiar with this kind of scene. In the past, when so many women were driven crazy in Yecheng, my uncle would basically appear on the left and right.

This is Yaocheng, so there is no doubt that the person who appeared should be the third young master.

I heard that the first and second young masters of the Feng family are also very popular, but Xia Yinian has not received news of their return yet.

Grandpa is seriously ill, and they haven't come back yet, so there should be really important things to deal with.

The three young masters of the Feng family are involved in more than just Yaocheng?Just like my uncle, the development is not limited to Yecheng.

It's only been a day and a half since she saw her, and she seems to miss this man.

Feng Yan's appearance really made many women faint.

Xia Chuxue hadn't gone downstairs yet, and upstairs she could also know how popular her man was.

When she and brother Yan get engaged next month, there will be news of a girl committing suicide on TV.

Xia Chuxue waited and looked forward to it, and finally ushered in the most important moment in history.

At the call of the master of ceremonies, she descended from the spiral staircase under the support of four bodyguards.

The entire banquet was pitch black, except for a dazzling beam of light that hit Xia Chuxue.

Although Xia Chuxue couldn't see clearly, she could still feel that there were thousands of pairs of eyes looking at her non-stop.

This feeling is really cool!

"It turns out that the young lady is so beautiful!"

"Miss and Mr. Big really look alike, even the charm between their eyebrows is exactly the same!"

"Yes, yes, you can tell it's Mr. Da's daughter at a glance."

"Natural nobility can't be stopped at all! Only the Feng family can give birth to such a perfect girl."

"It's so beautiful! The most beautiful girl in Yaocheng is now the young lady of the Feng family."


From the moment they saw Xia Chuxue, everyone in the audience began to boil.

There is still the courtesy that should be there, but it can't stop everyone from praising Xia Chuxue's enthusiasm.

Everyone knows how rich Mr. Feng's biological daughter is, so at this time, no one wants to fall behind.

If you say something nice and make the Feng family happy, it will be much easier to do things in the future.

"It's so pretty, she's born to be a lady! You can tell she's a young lady from the Feng family at first glance."

The man behind Xia Yinian was still praising loudly.

Xia Chuxue was not ugly in the first place, and she really looked good when she dressed up today, but she was a bit old-fashioned. Xia Yinian knew that she liked this kind of dress.

But is she like Mr. Big?Really like?
Moreover, even if she looks pretty good-looking, wouldn't it be possible to say that she is a lady from everyone at first glance, and she would know that she is the young lady of the Feng family?
Xia Yinian really doubted whether these people were blind, or they were paid to do things.

Xia Chuxue always had a signature smile on her face, and she walked down the stairs at a leisurely pace with graceful steps.

She had waited so long for this moment, so of course she didn't mind letting everyone watch it for a while.

Under the praise of the people present, Xia Chuxue came to the middle of the stage.

She had just taken over the microphone of the master of ceremonies, and the lights of the banquet were turned on again.

(End of this chapter)

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